PhD Theses
In our research group "Complex Quantum Systems" PhD theses are possible in several fields. If interested, please contact Holger Fehske.
Completed PhD Theses
- Elena Thiessen, Licht- und Elektronenstreung an dielektrischen Strukturen im Plasma, (Greifswald, 2021)
- Bastian Höckendorf, Symmetry and non-Hermiticity in anomalous Floquet topological insulators, (Greifswald, 2020)
- Florian Lange, Density-matrix renormalization-group studies of spin, boson and fermion systems with symmetry-protected topological phases, (Greifswald, 2019)
- Mathias Pamperin, Effective modeling of charge-transferring atom-surface collisions, (Greifswald, 2019)
- Christian Wurl, Dynamics of driven optomechanical systems near the semiclassical limit, (Greifswald, 2018)
- Thomas Koch, Quantum systems in restricted geometries coupled to bosonic fields, (Greifswald, 2016)
- Daniel Pagel, Quantum dissipation and entanglement generation in photonic systems (Greifswald, 2015)
- Bernd Zenker, Electron-hole pair condensation at the semimetal-semiconductor transition (Greifswald, 2014)
- Lutz Bakemeier, Quantum to classical crossover in cavity QED and optomechanical systems (Greifswald, 2014)
- Rafael L. Heinisch, Surface electrons at dielectric plasma walls (Greifswald, 2013)
- Johannes Marbach, Quantum-Kinetic Modeling of Electron Release in Low-Energy Surface Collisions of Atoms and Molecules (Greifswald, 2012)
- Gerald Schubert, Numerical approaches to complex quantum, semiclassical and classical systems (Greifswald, 2008)
- Andreas Alvermann, Boson-affected Quantum Transport (Greifswald, 2008)
- Georg Hager, A Parallelized Density Matrix Renormalization Group Algorithm and its Application to Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems (Greifswald, 2005)
- Alexander Weisse, Theoretische Untersuchung magnetoresistiver Manganate - Modelle und Methoden (Bayreuth, 2002)
- Christian Schindelin, Green-Funktion-Projektionstheorie für anisotrope Spinmodelle (Effekte magnetischer Nahordnung) (Bayreuth, 2002)
- Gerhard Wellein, Gitterinstabilitäten in stark korrelierten Elektron-Phonon-Systemen (Bayreuth, 1998)
- Ulrich Trapper, Theorie der magnetischen Nahordnung in stark korrelierten itineranten Elektronensystemen (Bayreuth, 1997)
- Martin Deeg, Zur mikroskopischen Beschreibung des Normalzustandes der Kupratsupraleiter (Bayreuth, 1995)
- Volker Waas, Grundzustandseigenschaften von ein- und zweidimensionalen Hubbard- und Peierls-Hubbard-Modellen (Bayreuth, 1992)
- F.X. Bronold, Optical Processes in Conjugated Polymers: A Coupled Exciton-Phonon Gas Approach (Bayreuth, 1995)
- T. Meyer, Methoden zur Berechnung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit nichtidealer Plasmen (Greifswald, 1988)
- H. Fehske, Zur Spinschwankungstheorie substitutionell-ungeordneter itineranter Elektronensysteme unter Berücksichtigung der Glasphase (Leipzig, 1984)