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- Volcanic emissions
- Climate effects, cloud effects and dynamical effects of volcanic eruptions
- Plume and global modelling
- Volcanic dispersion modelling
- In-situ and satellite observations
- Retrieval theory
- The summer school also includes modelling and remote sensing labs
- Prof. John Burrows FRS (U Bremen)
- Dr. Thor Hansteen (Geomar Kiel)
- Prof. Jim Haywood (U Exeter)
- Dr. Akos Horwarth (U Hamburg)
- Dr. Ali Hoshyaripour (KIT)
- Dr. Christopher Kadow (DKRZ)
- Prof. Dr. Kirstin Krüger (U Oslo)
- Dr. Alexei Rozanov (U Bremen)
- Prof. Pasquale Selitto (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace)
- Dr. Ghassan Taha (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
- Dr. Claudia Timmreck (MPI-M)
- Prof. Matt Toohey (U Saskatchewan)