Soft Matter Theory
Biology-inspired statistical and computational physics
Research Topics
- Statistical physics of active matter
- Kinetic theory of swarms and flocks
- Soft condensed matter physics
- Computer simulation of complex liquids
- Pattern formation far from equilibrium
Prof. Dr. Thomas Ihle
Telefon: +49 3834 420-4730
Telefax: +49 3834 420-4701
- Nov 8: Group meeting talk by B. Kohler
- Nov 1: Group meeting talk by H-H. Boltz
- Oct 18: Group meeting restarts, talks by the two bachelor candidates M-R. Schultz and T. Wagner
- Jun 28: Successful defense of the Master's thesis by J. Mihatsch. Jakob is moving to Magdeburg for his PhD, good luck!
- Mar 20: Presentation at the DPG meeting
- Mar 6: Presentation at the APS march meeting (H-H. Boltz)
- Feb 29: preprint "Hyperuniformity in deterministic anti-aligning active matter" (Boltz/Ihle)
- Feb 2: T. Wagner (on his experiments with Hexbugs) and M-R. Schultz (on agent-based simulations of active systems w/ and w/o non-reciprocal interactions) successfully presented work done within the group (partially co-supervised by M. Himpel) as part of the "Vortragstechnik" seminar series
- Jan 19: External guest in the group seminar, Dr Gethmann from the Friedrich-Löffler-Institute (poster)
- Jan 5: External guest in the group seminar, Dr. Liprandi from Zoology (Group Wolff) talks about modeling of spider silk (poster)
- Nov 9: preprint "Comment on "Steady-state distributions and nonsteady dynamics in nonequilibrium systems" (Boltz / Ihle)
- Nov 8: ad-hoc addition to the teaching activities: theoretical microfluidics (GSR, We 14.00 s.t)
- Oct 20, Our group seminar restarts with a talk by J. Mihatsch
- June 8th, Colloquium talk by R. Kürsten
- May 23, invited talk U Magdeburg (T. Ihle)
- Apr 26, Talk at "In search of model structures for non-equilibrium systems" (H-H. Boltz),
- Apr 21 2023: Group Seminar on ""Wachstumsregime und Transportphänomene in Eruka-Säure Monolayern" by Florian Gellert ( AG Helm )
- Apr 14 2023: Group Seminar on Shape-changing active matter (H-H. Boltz)
- New Preprint on Flocking in Binary Mixtures of Anti-aligning Self-propelled Particles (Kürsten, Mihatsch, Ihle)
- Congratulations to Jakob Mihatsch for presenting at the DPG Spring meeting 2023 "Phase transitions in multicomponent active matter: a quantitative kinetic theory"
- Two preprints have been published on the active particles with social distancing and
- Jan 13 2023: Invited talk "Scattering theory of active particles with social distancing: non-local closure and network noise" by T. Ihle at U Duisburg
- October 2022: Horst-Holger Boltz joins the group as a postdoctoral researcher
- Rüdiger Kürsten joined the Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Física de la Matèria Condensada, he remains part of the group as an external habil candidate
- Benjamin Kohler starts Bachelor-Thesis in our group
- April 2022: Jakob Mihatsch starts Master-Project and Tom Müller starts Bachelor-Thesis in our group
older news
older news
- Bachelor- and Masterthesis Topics 2021 available!
- Martin Zumaya from UNAM, Mexico-City joins the group as visiting graduate student. Welcome Martin! Nov 20, 2018
- Rüdiger Kürsten attends the summer school in Les Houches on "Active matter and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics", Aug/Sept 2018
- Nikita Sendrowski defends his Master thesis on active Brownian particles, August 27, 2018
- Ruediger Kuersten's paper on the giant Kovacs memory effect selected as "Editor's Suggestion" in Physical Review Letters. Congratulations Ruediger! Nov 2, 2017
- Invited talk at workshop "Multiscale analysis and modelling of collective migration in biological systems'' at ZiF Bielefeld, Oct 12, 2017
- Nikita Sendrowski joins the group as new graduate student. Welcome Nikita! Sept 15, 2017
- Thomas Ihle as guest professor at Instituto de Fisica, UNAM, Mexico City, Sept 11, 2017
- Alexander Unruh finishes Bachelor thesis on "Kinetic Theory of active Particles", July 15, 2017
- Sven Stroteich finishes Bachelor thesis on "Agent-based Simulations of Vicsek-like Models", January 26, 2017
- Thomas Ihle recognized as "Outstanding Referee 2017“ by the American Physical Society. January 20, 2017
- Invited talk at CECAM workshop "Biomimetic and living materials: active matter at high densities" at EPFL Lausanne, December 9, 2016