
Theorie Weicher Materie

Prof. Dr. Thomas Ihle

Room B 302
Felix-Hausdorff Str. 6
17489 Greifswald

Telefon +49 3834 420-4730
Telefax +49 3834 420-4701



Dr. Horst-Holger Boltz

Dr. Horst-Holger Boltz

Postdoctoral researcher, joined Oct 2022

Room B 301
Tel. +49 3834 420-4732
Felix-Hausdorff Str. 6
17489 Greifswald


Dr. Rüdiger Kürsten

Alumnus and external habil candidate at Universität Greifswald

Individual 'María Zambrano' Postdoctoral Fellow at Universitat de Barcelona



Johannes Hermann

PhD Student, Ausbreitung von Epidemien in inhomogenen Medien

Room B 301
Felix-Hausdorff Str. 6
17489 Greifswald


Benjamin Kohler

Master Student

Room B 301
Felix-Hausdorff Str. 6
17489 Greifswald

Max-Robin Schultz

Bachelor Student

Room B 301
Felix-Hausdorff Str. 6
17489 Greifswald

Timo Wagner

Bachelor Student

Room B 203
Felix-Hausdorff Str. 6
17489 Greifswald


Jakob Mihatsch

Master Thesis: Asymptotically exact scattering theories for active particle mixtures with anti-aligning interaction

now at: University of Magdeburg

Tom Müller

Master Student, now part of Group Wolff (Zoology)

Room B 202
Felix-Hausdorff Str. 6
17489 Greifswald

Dr. Hartmut Lentz

former: Affiliate Instructor and Group leader at Institute of Epidemiology (Friedrich-Loeffler Institute, Greifswald)

current affiliation: Volkswagen AG



Sven Stroteich

Bachelor Thesis (2017): Agent-based Simulations of Vicsek-like Models, now doctoral candidate in AG Schneider

Alexander Unruh
Bachelor Thesis (2017): Kinetic Theory of active Particles

Martin Zumaya

Visiting PhD student, UNAM Mexico City

Nikita Sendrowski

Master Thesis (2018) Active Brownian particles