Advanced Workshops 2016




1st WorkshopBasics of membrane-protein interactions

Date: 22.02.-23.02.2016

Venue Internationales Begegnungszentrum (IBZ)
Bahnhoftstr. 2/3 Greifswald

Target group: All RTG members

2nd WorkshopROS/RNS in disease

Date: 31.03.-01.04.2016

Venue: Alfried Krupp Kolleg
Martin-Luther-Str. 14

Target group: All RTG members

3rd WorkshopChemistry of the thiol-group

Date: 02.06.-03.06.2016

Venue: Greifswald

Target group: All RTG members

4th WorkshopAnnual Workshop

Date: 06.10.-07.10.2016

Venue: external

Target group: All RTG members