RTG Friday Seminars
SR D213 Institute of Biochemistry
Felix-Hausdorff-Str.4, 17487 Greifswald
14:00 Uhr s.t.
Summer & Winter Term 2015
date |
invited speaker |
title <br |
17.04.2015 |
PD Dr. Stefan Dröse University Hospital Frankfurt |
The mechanisms of mitochondrial ROS production and their role in redox signalling <br |
29.05.2015 |
Dr. Marcus Conrad Helmholtz Zentrum München |
Ferroptosis: Greasing-up Regulated, Non-apoptotic Form of Cell Death <br |
12.06.2015 |
Dr. Thorsten Gnad University of Bonn |
Adenosine activates brown adipose tissue and recruits beige adipocytes via A2A receptors <br |
06.11.2015 |
Prof. Dr. Per Lindahl University of Gothenburg |
On the controversial role of reactive oxygen species in cancer, and the dark side of antioxidants <br |
12.11.2015 |
Dr. Kerstin G. Blank Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces |
Molecular Force Sensors: from molecular mechanisms towards applications in biology and materials science <br |
15.01.2016 |
Prof. Dr. Barbara Seliger Martin Luther University Halle |
Neoplastic transformation driven altered metabolism of tumor cells and their effects on cell metabolism and immune cell response |
15.02.2016 |
Prof. Dr. Kenneth Hensley University of Toledo |
Brain, heal thyself: Using natural brain amino acid metabolites to protect and repair damaged neural tissue (*venue: HS Nord) |