Summer school on volcanic effects on atmosphere and climate (September 4 - 8, 2023)
General information
As part of the DFG research unit VolImpact (FOR 2820) a summer school on volcanic effects on atmosphere and climate will be held in September 2023 for M.Sc. students, Ph.D. students and young Postdocs. The summer school will take place as an in-person meeting in Greifswald (Germany).
The summer school will include both expert lectures on the basics and current research topics of volcanic effects on the atmosphere and climate, as well as hands-on modelling and retrieval labs. Because of these labs, the number of participants is restricted to 30. The applications will be ranked according to the relevance of the summer school to the current research topics of the applicants. The expert lectures may also be accessible to a larger audience online.
Participants are expected to prepare a poster on their current research project. The posters will be presented during a dedicated poster session. The title of the poster has to be provided when filling in the application form.
Tpoics and lectures
Topics covered
- Volcanic emissions
- Climate effects, cloud effects and dynamical effects of volcanic eruptions
- Plume and global modelling
- Volcanic dispersion modelling
- In-situ and satellite observations
- Retrieval theory
- The summer school also includes modelling and remote sensing labs
Confirmed speakers
- Prof. John Burrows FRS (U Bremen)
- Dr. Thor Hansteen (Geomar Kiel)
- Prof. Jim Haywood (U Exeter)
- Dr. Akos Horwarth (U Hamburg)
- Dr. Ali Hoshyaripour (KIT)
- Dr. Christopher Kadow (DKRZ)
- Prof. Dr. Kirstin Krüger (U Oslo)
- Dr. Alexei Rozanov (U Bremen)
- Prof. Pasquale Selitto (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace)
- Dr. Ghassan Taha (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
- Dr. Claudia Timmreck (MPI-M)
- Prof. Matt Toohey (U Saskatchewan)