T. Tork, P. Manz et al. 'Estimation of turbulent transport coefficients by the conditional variance method', Nuclear Fusion 65 016054 (2025)

P. Manz, T. Eich, O. Grover ‘How turbulence sets boundaries for tokamak operation’, Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics 9, 5 (2025)


G. Grenfell, L. Gil, P. Manz et al. 'The multi-faced nature of the quasicoherent mode in EDA H-mode', Nuclear Fusion  64, 104002 (2024)

M. Herschel et al. 'Experimental evidence for the drift wave nature of the weakly coherent mode in ASDEX Upgrade I-mode plasmas', Nuclear Fusion 64, 076052 (2024)

O. Grover, T. Eich, P. Manz et al. 'Reduced model for H-mode sustainment in unfavorable ∇B drift configuration in ASDEX Upgrade', Nuclear Fusion 64, 056020 (2024)

O. Grover, P. Manz et al. 'Experimentally corroborated model of pressure relaxation limit cycle oscillations in the vicinity of the transition to high confinement in tokamaks', Nuclear Fusion 64, 026001 (2024)

J. Kalis, G. Birkenmeier, P. Manz et al. 'Experimental characterization of the quasi-coherent mode in EDA H-Mode and QCE scenarios at ASDEX Upgrade', Nuclear Fusion 64, 016038 (2024)


N. Müller, P. Manz, M. Ramisch. 'Nondiffusive particle transport in the stellarator experiment TJ-K', Phys. Plasmas 30, 092306 (2023)

C.U. Schuster et al. 'Dynamic edge transport investigations at ASDEX Upgrade using gas puff modulation', Nuclear Fusion 63,  092001 (2023)

P. Manz, T. Eich, O. Grover 'The power dependence of the maximum achievable H-mode and (disruptive) L-mode separatrix density in ASDEX Upgrade', Nuclear Fusion 63 076026 (2023)

N. Leuthold et al. 'Turbulence characterization during the suppression of edge-localized modes by magnetic perturbations on ASDEX Upgrade, Nuclear Fusion  63 046014 (2023)


G. Grenfell, P. Manz et al. 'Turbulence in the near scrape-off layer towards the L-mode density limit in ASDEX-Upgrade' Nuclear Materials and Energy 101277 (2022)

T. Nishizawa, P.Manz et al. 'Characterizing the flow and turbulence structure near the last closed flux surface in L-mode plasmas of ASDEX Upgrade' Physics of Plasmas 29, 072304 (2022)

C.U. Schuster et al 'Edge transport and fuelling studies via gas puff modulation in ASDEX Upgrade L-mode plasmas' Nucl. Fusion 62 066035 (2022)

G Grenfell et al. 'High-heat flux ball-pen probe head in ASDEX-Upgrade' Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 023507 (2022)


F. Günzkofer, P. Manz 'Outwards transport of angular momentum in a shallow water accretion disk experiment', Phys. Rev. Fluids 6, 054401 (2021)

T.Eich, P.Manz and the ASDEX Upgrade Team 'The separatrix operational space of ASDEX Upgrade due to interchange-drift-Alfvén turbulence', Nuclear Fusion 61, 086017 (2021)

P.Manz, D. Silvagni, O. Grover, T. Happel, T. Eich, M. Griener and the ASDEX Upgrade Team. 'Gyrofluid simulation of an I-mode pedestal relaxation event' Phys. Plasmas 28, 102502 (2021)

T. Nishizawa, M. Griener, R. Dux, G. Grenfell, D. Wendler, S. Kado, P. Manz, M. Cavedon, ASDEX Upgrade team 'Linearized spectrum correlation analysis for thermal helium beam diagnostics'  Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 103501 (2021)