Bachelor of Science in Physics

The program Bachelor of Science in Physics is broad and requires interest in natural sciences, theoretical considerations, applied mathematics and experimental skills. The students acquire the physical knowledge and skills required for an independent schientific study. The taught topics extend from mathematical foundations via the traditional courses in experimental and theoretical physics to electronics, modern diagnostic techniques, computational physics and elective courses from Law, Business administration, Mathematics or Chemistry.

The program „Bachelor of Science in Physics“ has a duration of 6 semesters and comprises modules in „Experimental Physics“ (6 modules), „Theoretical Physics“ (5 modules), „Mathematics“ (4 modules) and „Supplementary and non-physics courses“ (5 modules). 

In „Experimental Physics“, the fields of mechanics, heat, electricity, optics, atomic and molecular physics, solid state physics and nuclear physics and elementary particles will be taught over 6 semesters. A 3-semester lab course accompanies the lectures. In addition, modern diagnostic methods in physics together with an advanced lab course complete the experimental phycis courses.
„Theoretical Physics“ first deals with mathematical methods in physics. Then, the 4 following semesters include classical mechanics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, and finally thermodynamics and statistics.
The „Supplementary and non-physics courses“ are courses in electronics, computational physics and supplementary elective courses in either law, business administration, chemistry or mathematics.

The mathematical modules comprise, over 3 semesters, calculus, linear algebra and differential equations. A prepatory course bridging the gap between school and university mathematics is offered prior to the first semester. The participation is voluntary, but recommended.

In a half-semester Bachelor's thesis the student will apply his knowledge to a specific scientific topic in one of the work groups of the Physics institute.


Student Advisory Service Physics

PD Dr. Franz Xaver Bronold

Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 6
17489 Greifswald

Telefon +49 3834 420-4764

Secretariat for Physics Students

Carina Grimm

Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 6
17489 Greifswald

Telefon +49 3834 420-4711
Telefax +49 3834 86-4712


Curriculum - Physics, Bachelor of Science

Regulations and Module Handbooks

(only available in German)