

[400] D. Lacy, C. Alappat, F. Lange, G. Hager, H. Fehske and G. Wellein:
Cache blocking of Distributed-Memory Parallel Matrix Power Kernels.
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications x, xxx (2025)

[399] C. Alappat, J. Thies, G. Hager, H. Fehske and G. Wellein:
Algebraic temporal blocking for sparse iteriative solvers on multi-core CPUs.
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications x, xxx (2024)

[398] F. Lange and H. Fehske:
Metal-insulator transition of spinless fermions coupled to dispersive optical bosons.
Scientific Reports 14, 18050 (2024)

[397] F. Lange, G. Wellein and H. Fehske:
Charge-order melting in the one-dimensional Edwards model.
Phys. Rev. Res. 6, L022007 (2024)

[396] M. Chakraborty and H. Fehske:
Quantum transport in an environment parametrized by dispersive bosons.
Phys. Rev. B 109, 085125 (2024)

[395] M. Chakraborty, J. Chatterjee, and H. Fehske:
Particularities of polaron formation in the extended Holstein model with next nearest neighbor transfer.
Phys. Rev. B 108, 235134 (2023)

[394] S. Ejima, F. Lange and H. Fehske:
Entanglement analysis of photoinduced η-pairing states.
Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. (2023)

[393] A. Alvermann, G. Hager and H. Fehske:
Orthogonal layers of parallelism in large-scale eigenvalue computations.
 ACM Trans. Parallel Comput. 10, 1-31 (2023)

[392] L. Berg, A. Alvermann, and H. Fehske:
Quantized charge transport in disordered Floquet topological insulators in the absence of Anderson localization.
Phys. Rev. B 108, 035123 (2023)

[391] S. Ejima and H. Fehske:
Photoinduced pairing in Mott insulators.
SciPost Phys. Proc. 11, 009 (2023)

[390] A. Filusch and H. Fehske:
Singular flat bands in the modified Haldane-Dice model.
Physica B: Condensed Matter 659, 414848 (2023)


[389] A. Filusch and H. Fehske:
Tunable valley filtering in dynamically strained alpha-T3 lattices.
Phys. Rev. B 106, 245106 (2022)

[388]  S. Ejima, F. Lange and H. Fehske:
Photoinduced metallization of  excitonic  insulators.
Phys. Rev. B 105, 245126 (2022)

[387]  K. Rasek, F.X. Bronold and H. Fehske:
Charge kinetics across a negatively biased semiconducting plasma-solid interface.
Phys. Rev. E 105, 045202 (2022)

[386]  F.X. Bronold and H. Fehske:
Invariant embedding approach to secondary electron emission from metals. 
J. Appl. Phys. 131, 113302 (2022)

[385]  H. Stolz, D. Semkat, R. Schwartz, J. Heckötter, M. Aßmann, W.-D. Kraeft, H. Fehske and M. Bayer: 
Scrutinizing the Debye plasma model: Rydberg excitons unravel the properties of low-density plasmas in semiconductors.
Phys. Rev. B 105, 075204 (2022)

[384]  S. Ejima, F. Lange and H. Fehske: 
Nonequilibrium dynamics in pumped Mott insulators.
Phys. Rev. Res. 4 (Letter), L012012 (2022)


[383]  B. Höckendorf, A. Alvermann, and H. Fehske: 
Immutable quantized transport in Floquet chains.
Phys. Rev. A 104 (Letter), L051501 (2021)

[382]  H. Krüger, E. Thiessen, F. X. Bronold. H. Fehske, and A. Melzer:
Charge measurements of SiO2 nanoparticles in an rf plasma by ir absorption.
Phys. Rev. E 104, 045208  (2021)

[381]  D. Semkat, H. Stolz, W.-D. Kraeft, and H. Fehske:
Dielectric response of electron-hole systems. Nondegenerate case and quantum corrections.
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 33, 475501 (2021)

[380]  K. Rasek, F. X. Bronold, and H. Fehske:
Infrared spectroscopy of surface charges in plasma-facing dielectrics.
Phys. Rev. E 104, 015204 (2021)

[379]  S. Ejima, F. Lange, and H. Fehske:
Quantum criticality in dimerised anisotropic spin-1 chains.
Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 230, 1009 (2021)

[378]  D. Semkat, H. Fehske, and H. Stolz:
Quantum many-body effects on Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide.
Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 230, 947  (2021)

[377]  J. Fujimoto, F. Lange, S. Ejima, T. Shirakawa, H. Fehske, S. Yunoki, and S. Maekawa:
Spin-charge conversion and current vortex in spin-orbit coupled systems.
APL Materials 9, 060904  (2021)

[376] A. Filusch, A. R. Bishop, A. Saxena, G. Wellein, and H. Fehske:
Valley filtering in strain-induced α-T3 quantum dots.
Phys. Rev. B 103, 165114  (2021)

[375] F. Lange, S. Ejima,  J. Fujimoto, T. Shirakawa, H. Fehske, S. Yunoki, and S. Maekawa:
Generation of current vortex by spin current in Rashba systems.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 157202    (2021)

[374] S. Ejima, F. Lange, and H. Fehske:
Finite-temperature photoemission in the extended Falicov-Kimball model: a case study for Ta2NiSe5.
SciPost Phys. 10, 077    (2021)

[373] B. Höckendorf, A. Alvermann, and H. Fehske:
Controlling the direction of topological transportin a non-Hermitian time-reversal symmetric Floquet ladder.
APL Photonics  6, 010801 (2021)
This paper was selected as an Editor’s Pick.

[372] A. Pieper, G. Hager, and H. Fehske:
A domain-specific language and matrix-free stencil code for investigating electronic properties of Dirac and topological materials.
International Journal of High-Performance Computing Applications 35, 60-77 (2021)



[371] F. X. Bronold, K. Rasek, and H. Fehske:
Electron microphysics at plasma–solid interfaces.
J. Appl. Phys. 128, 180908 (2020)

[370] B. Höckendorf, A. Alvermann, and H. Fehske:
Cutting off the non-Hermitian boundary from an anomalous Floquet topological insulator.
Europhys. Lett. 131, 30007 (2020)

[369] A. Filusch and H. Fehske:
Electronic properties of α-T3 quantum dots in magnetic fields.
Eur. Phys. J. B 93, 169 (2020)

[368] A. Fritzsche, B. Höckendorf, A. Alvermann, and H. Fehske:
Real and imaginary edge states in stacked Floquet honeycomb lattices.
Eur. Phys. J. B 93, 151  (2020)

[367] C. L. Alappat, A. Alvermann, A. Basermann, H. Fehske, Y. Futamura,  M. Galgon, G. Hager, S. Huber, A. Imakura,  M. Kawai, M. Kreutzer, B. Lang, K. Nakajima,  M. Röhrig-Zöllner,  T. Sakurai, F. Shahzad,  J. Thies, and   G. Wellein:
ESSEX: Equipping sparse solvers for exascale.
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 136,  143-187 (2020)
in Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019 by H.-J. Bungartz, S. Reiz, B. Uekermann, P. Neumann, and W. Nagel (Eds.), Springer, Cham;

[366] K. Rasek, F. X. Bronold, and H. Fehske:
Kinetic modeling of the electric double layer at a dielectric plasma-solid interface.
Phys. Rev. E 102, 023206 (2020)

[365] C. L. Alappat, A. Basermann, A. R. Bishop, H. Fehske, G. Hager, O. Schenk, J. Thies,  and G. Wellein:
A recursive algebraic coloring technique for hardware-efficient symmetric sparse matrix-vector multiplication.
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing 7 (3), 1-37 (2020)
-awarded by the SIAM SIAG SC Best Paper Prize 2024-

[364] S. Ejima, T. Kaneko, F. Lange, S. Yunoki, and H. Fehske:
Photoinduced η-pairing at finite temperatures.
Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 032008(R)  (2020)

[363] C. L. Alappat, J. Hofmann, G. Hager, H. Fehske, A. R. Bishop, and G. Wellein:
Understanding HPC Benchmark Performance on Intel Broadwell and Cascade Lake Processors.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12151,  412-433 (2020)
in High Performance Computing. ISC High Performance 2020 by P. Sadayappan, B. Jamberlain, G. Juckeland, H. Ltaief  (Eds.), Springer, Cham;

[362] B. Höckendorf, A. Alvermann, and H. Fehske:
Topological origin of quantized transport in non-Hermitian Floquet chains.
Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 023235 (2020)

[361] A. Filusch, C. Wurl, and H. Fehske:
Resonant scattering of Dice quasiparticles on oscillating quantum dots.
Eur. Phys. J. B 93, 59 (2020)

[360] L. J. Maczewsky, B. Höckendorf, M. Kremer, T. Biesenthal, M. Heinrich, A. Alvermann, H. Fehske, and A. Szameit:
Fermionic time-reversal symmetry in a photonic topological insulator.
Nature  Materials 19, 855 (2020)
Supplementary Information:

[359] S. Ejima,  T. Kaneko, F. Lange, S. Yunoki, and H. Fehske:
Photoinduced η-pairing in one-dimensional Mott insulators.
JPS Conf. Proc. 30, 011184 (2020)

[358] F. Lange, S. Ejima, T. Shirakawa, S. Yunoki, and H. Fehske:
Block-Lanczos density-matrix renormalization-group approach to spin transport in Heisenberg chains coupled to leads.
J. Phys. Soc. Japan 89, 044601 (2020)


[357] B. Höckendorf, A. Alvermann, and H. Fehske:
Non-Hermitian boundary state engineering in anomalous Floquet topological insulators.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 190403 (2019)

[356] D. Semkat, H. Fehske, and H. Stolz:
Influence of electron-hole plasma on Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide.
Phys. Rev. B 100, 155204 (2019)

[355] E. Thiessen, F. X. Bronold, and H. Fehske:
Electron energy loss spectroscopy of wall charges in plasma-facing dielectrics.
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 28, 095024 (2019)

[354] F. Lange, S. Ejima, and Fehske:
Dynamic response of spin-2 bosons in one-dimensional optical lattices.
Phys. Rev. A 100, 023623 (2019)

[353] A. Alvermann, A. Basermann, H.-J. Bungartz, C. Carbogno, D. Ernst, H. Fehske, Y. Futamura, M. Galgon, G. Hager, S. Huber, T. Huckle, A. Ida, A. Imakura, M. Kawai, S. Kocher, M. Kreutzer, P. Kus, B. Lang, H. Lederer, V. Manin, A. Marek, K. Nakajima, L. Nemec, K. Reuter, M. Rippl, M. Röhrig-Zöllner, T. Sakurai, M. Scheer, C. Scheurer, F. Shahzad, D. S. Brambila, J. Thies, and G. Wellein:
Benefits from using mixed precision computations in the ELPA-AEO and ESSEX-II eigensolver projects
Japan J. Indust. Appl. Math. 36, 699-717 (2019)

[352] B. Höckendorf, A. Alvermann, and H. Fehske:
Universal driving protocol for symmetry-protected Floquet topological phases.
Phys. Rev. B 99, 245102 (2019)

[351] M. Bonitz, A. Filinov, J.-W. Abraham, K. Balzer, H. Kählert, E. Pehlke, F. X. Bronold, M. Pamperin, M. Becker, D. Loffhagen, and H. Fehske:
Towards an integrated modeling of the plasma-solid interface.
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.  (2019) 

[350] C. Wurl and H. Fehske:
Time-periodic Klein tunneling through optomechanical Dirac barriers.
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 227, 195 (2019)

[349]K. Sugimoto, S. Ejima, F. Lange, and Fehske:
Quantum phase transitions in the dimerized extended Bose-Hubbard model.
Phys. Rev. A  99, 012122 (2019)

[348] F. Lange, S. Ejima,  and Fehske:
Driving XXZ spin chains: Magnetic-field and boundary effects.
Europhys. Lett. 125, 17001 (2019)

[347] K. W. Becker, H. Fehske, and V.-N. Phan:
Projector-based renormalization approach to electron-hole-photon systems in their nonequlibrium steady state.
Phys. Rev. B 99, 035304 (2019)


[346] C. Wurl and H. Fehske:
Floquet scattering of light and sound in Dirac optomechanics.
Phys. Rev. A 98, 063812 (2018)

[345] S. Ejima, T. Yamaguchi, F. H. L. Essler, F. Lange, Y. Ohta, H. and Fehske:
Exotic criticality in the dimerized spin-1 XXZ chain with single-ion anisotropy.
(paper received Editors Select label)
SciPost Phys. 5, 059 (2018)

[344] K. Rasek,  F. X. Bronold, M. Bauer, and H. Fehske:
Measuring the plasma-wall charge by infrared spectroscopy.
Europhys. Lett. 124, 25001(2018)

[343] M. Hohenadler and H. Fehske:
Density waves in strongly correlated quantum chains.
Eur. Phys. J. B 91, 204  (2018),
Topical Issue "Coexistence of Long-Range Orders in Low-dimensional Systems",
edited by Sudhakar Yarlagadda and Peter B. Littlewood 140/epjb/e2018-90354-7

[342] M. Pamperin, F. X. Bronold, and H. Fehske: 
Ion-induced secondary electron emission from metal surfaces.
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol.  27, 084003 (2018)

[341] M. Kreutzer, D. Ernst, A. R. Bishop, H. Fehske, G. Hager,  K. Nakajima, and G. Wellein:
Chebyshev filter diagonalization on modern manycore processors and GPGPUs.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science  10876,  329-349 (2018), 
in High Performance Computing}, R. Yokota, M. Weiland, D. Keyes, and C. Trinitis (Eds.),
Springer International Publishing AG (Cham, Switzerland)

[340] F. Lange, S. Ejima, T. Shirakawa, S. Yunoki, and H. Fehske:
Spin transport through a spin-1/2 XXZ chain contacted to fermionic leads.
Phys. Rev. B 97,  245124 (2018),
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.245124

[339] F. X. Bronold, H. Fehske, M. Pamperin, and E. Thiessen:
Electron kinetics at the plasma interface.
Eur. Phys. Jour.  D  72, 88 (2018),

[338] A. Filusch, C. Wurl, A. Pieper, and H. Fehske:
Transport and Quantum Coherence in Graphene Rings: Aharonov–Bohm Oscillations, Klein Tunneling, and Particle Localization.
J. Low Temp. Phys.  191, 259 (2018),

[337] J. Schleede, L. Lewerentz, F. X. Bronold, R. Schneider, and H. Fehske:
Plasma flow around and charge distribution of a dust cluster in a rf discharge.
Physics of Plasmas  25, 043702 (2018),

[336] F. Lange, S. Ejima, and H. Fehske:
Finite-temperature dynamic structure factor of the spin-1 XXZ chain with single-ion anisotropy.
Phys. Rev. B 97,  060403(R) (2018),

[335] A. S. Mishchenko, G. De Filippis, V. Cataudella, N. Nagaosa, and H. Fehske:
Optical absorption of exciton-polarons from diagrammatic Monte Carlo.
Phys. Rev. B 97, 045141 (2018), DOI:

[334] B. Höckendorf, A. Alvermann, and H. Fehske:
Topological invariants for Floquet-Bloch systems with chiral, time-reversal, or particle-hole symmetry.
Phys. Rev. B 97, 045140 (2018),  DOI:

[333] A. Alvermann and H. Fehske:
Exciton mass and exciton spectrum in the cuprous oxide.
J. Phys. B  51, 044001 (2018),

[332] S. Ejima, F. Lange, F.H.L. Essler, and H. Fehske:
Critical behavior of the extended Hubbard model with bond dimerization.
Physica B 536, 474 (2018),


[331] D. Pagel and H. Fehske:
Generation, dynamical buildup and detection of bi- and mulipartite entangled states in cavity systems.
J. Phys. B 50, 224002 (2017), doi: 10.1088/1361-6455/aa8f37

[330] D. Semkat, S. Sobkowiak, F. Schöne, H. Stolz, T. Koch, and H. Fehske:
Multicomponent exciton gas in cuprous oxide: cooling behaviour and the role of Auger decay.
J. Phys. B 50, 204001 (2017), doi: 10.1088/1361-6455/aa8bad

[329] J. Loos, T. Koch, and H. Fehske:
Heating and thermoelectric transport in a molecular junction.
Eur. Phys. Jour.  B 90, 230 (2017), doi: 10.1140/epjb/e2017-80507-7

[328] D. Pagel and H. Fehske:
Non-Markovian dynamics of emitters in a laser-driven cavity
Phys. Rev. A  96, 041802(R) (2017),doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.96.041802

[327] C. Wurl and H. Fehske:
Light-sound interconversion in optomechanical Dirac materials.
Scientific Reports 7, 9811 (2017), doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-09942-3

[326] F. X. Bronold, H. Fehske,
Kinetic modeling of the electronic response of a dielectric plasma-facing solid.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50,   294003,
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/aa7901

[325] B Höckendorf, A Alvermann and H Fehske:
Efficient computation of the W3 topological invariant and application to Floquet–Bloch systems
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 50, Number 29

[324] F. Lange, S. Ejima, and H. Fehske:
Strongly repulsive anyons in one dimension
Phys. Rev. A 95, 063621
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.95.063621

[323] F. Lange, S. Ejima, and H. Fehske:
Anyonic Haldane insulator in one dimension
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 120401 (2017)

[322] F. X. Bronold and H. Fehske:
Microscopic theory of electron absorption by plasma-facing surfaces.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion  59, 014011
DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/59/1/014011

[321] D. Pagel, A. Alvermann, and H. Fehske:
Dynamic Stark effect, light emission, and entanglement generation in a laser-driven quantum optical system.
Phys. Rev. A 95, 013825,
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.95.013825

[320] Koch T, Semkat D, Stolz H, Fehske H:
Theory of zero-phonon decay luminescence of semiconductor excitons,
Fortschritte der Physik - Progress of Physics 65, 1600068,
DOI: 10.1002/prop.201600068

[319] Heinisch R L, Fehske H:
Detecting the Berry curvature in photonic graphene,
Fortschritte der Physik - Progress of Physics, 65, 1600021,
DOI: 10.1002/prop.201600021

[318] Kreutzer M, Thies J, Röhrig-Zöllner M, Pieper A, Shahzad F, Galgon M, Basermann A, Fehske H, Hager G, Wellein G:
GHOST: Building Blocks for High Performance Sparse Linear Algebra on Heterogeneous Systems,
Int. J. Parallel Prog. 45, 1046 (2017),

[317] Martin Galgon, Lukas Krämer, Bruno Lang, Andreas Alvermann, Holger Fehske, Andreas Pieper, Georg Hager, Moritz Kreutzer, Faisal Shahzad, Gerhard Wellein, Achim Basermann, Melven Röhrig-Zöllner, and Jonas Thies:
Improved Coefficients for Polynomial Filtering in ESSEX
Eigenvalue Problems: Algorithms, Software and Applications in Petascale Computing. EPASA 2015. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Sakurai T., Zhang SL., Imamura T., Yamamoto Y., Kuramashi Y., Hoshi T. (eds), vol 117. Springer, Cham,



[316] Wurl C, Alvermann A, Fehske H:
Symmetry-breaking oscillations in membrane optomechanics,
Physical Review A 2016,
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.94.063860

[315] Kreutzer M, Thies J, Pieper A, Alvermann A, Galgon M, Röhrig-Zöllner M, Shahzad F, Basermann A, Bishop A R, Fehske H, Hager G, Lang B, Wellein G:
in Software for Exascale Computing – SPPEXA 2013-2015, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 113, 317-338 (2016):
Performance Engineering and Energy Efficiency of Building Blocks for Large, Sparse Eigenvalue Computations on Heterogeneous Supercomputers

[314] Thies J, Galgon M, Shahzad F, Alvermann A, Kreutzer M, Pieper A, Röhrig-Zöllner M, Basermann A, Fehske H, Hager G, Lang B, Wellein G:
in Software for Exascale Computing – SPPEXA 2013-2015, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 113, 295-316 (2016):
Towards an exascale enabled sparse solver repository

[313] Pieper A, Kreutzer M, Alvermann A, Galgon M, Fehske H, Hager G, Lang B, Wellein G:
High-performance implementation of Chebyshev filter diagonalization for interior eigenvalue computations,
J. COMP. PHYS. 2016,
DOI: 10.1016/

[312] Ejima S, Essler F, Lange F, Fehske H:
Ising tricriticality in the extended Hubbard model with bond dimerization,
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.235118

[311] Chakraborty M, Mohanta N, Taraphder A, Min B, Fehske H:
Edwards polaron formation : From one to three dimensions,

[310] Schulz C, Alvermann A, Bakemeier L, Fehske H:
Optomechanical multistability in the quantum regime,
EPL (Europhysics Letters)2016,

[309] Thiessen E, Heinisch R, Bronold F, Fehske H:
Surface mode hybridization in the optical response of core-shell particles,

[308] Cho D, Brink J, Fehske H, Becker K, Sykora S:
Unconventional superconductivity and interaction induced Fermi surface reconstruction in the two-dimensional Edwards model,
Scientific Reports 2016,

[307] Phan V.-N., Becker K, Fehske H:
Ground-state and spectral signatures of cavity exciton-polariton condensates,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2016 075138, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.075138

[306] Pieper A, Fehske H:
Topological insulators in random potentials,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2016, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.035123


[305] Röhrig-Zöllner M, Thies J, Kreutzer M, Alvermann A, Pieper A, Basermann A, et al.: Increasing the Performance of the Jacobi--Davidson Method by Blocking, SIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING 2015,

[304] Kreutzer M, Pieper A, Hager G, Wellein G, Alvermann A, Fehske H: Performance Engineering of the Kernel Polynomal Method on Large-Scale CPU-GPU Systems, 2015 IEEE 29th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium 2015,

[303] Bronold F, Fehske H: Absorption of an Electron by a Dielectric Wall, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2015,

[302] Pamperin M, Bronold F, Fehske H: Mixed-valence correlations in charge-transferring atom–surface collisions, PHYSICA SCRIPTA 2015,

[301] Bakemeier L, Alvermann A, Fehske H: Variational treatment of entanglement in the Dicke model, PHYSICA SCRIPTA 2015,

[300] Kaneko T, Zenker B, Fehske H, Ohta Y: Competition between excitonic charge and spin density waves: Influence of electron-phonon and Hund’s rule couplings, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2015 115106,

[299] Pagel D, Fehske H: Entangled light from driven dissipative microcavities, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2015,

[298] Zenker B, Fehske H, Beck H:Excitonic Josephson effect in double-layer graphene junctions, PHYSICAL REVIEW B2015,

[297] Fehske H, Hager G, Pieper A: Electron confinement in graphene with gate-defined quantum dots, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS 2015,

[296] Lange F, Ejima S, Fehske H: Criticality at the Haldane-insulator charge-density-wave quantum phase transition, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2015,

[295] Schulz C, Heinisch R, Fehske H: Electron Flow in Circular Graphene Quantum Dots, Quantum Matter 2015,

[294] Thiessen E, Bronold F, Heinisch R, Fehske H: Scattering of infrared light by dielectric core-shell particles, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2015,

[293] Pagel D, Alvermann A, Fehske H: Nonclassical light from few emitters in a cavity, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2015,

[292] S. Ejima and H. Fehske: Entanglement properties of the nontrivial Haldane insulator in the 1D extended Bose-Hubbard model.
Proc. Int. Conf. Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 592, 012134 (2015):

[291] Pamperin M, Bronold F, Fehske H: Many-body theory of the neutralization of strontium ions on gold surfaces, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2015,

[290] Schulz C, Heinisch R, Fehske H: Scattering of two-dimensional Dirac fermions on gate-defined oscillating quantum dots, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2015,

[289] Ejima S, Fehske H: Comparative density-matrix renormalization group study of symmetry-protected topological phases in spin-1 chain and Bose-Hubbard models, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2015,

[288] Bakemeier L, Alvermann A, Fehske H: Route to chaos in optomechanics.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 013601 (2015)


[287] Galgon M, Krämer L, Lang B, Alvermann A, Fehske H, Pieper A: Improving robustness of the FEAST algorithm and solving eigenvalue problems from graphene nanoribbons, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2014,

[286] A. Alvermann, A. Basermann, H. Fehske, Martin Galgon, G. Hager, M. Kreutzer, L. Krämer, B. Lang, A. Pieper, M. Röhrig-Zöllner, F. Shahzad, J. Thies, and G. Wellein, in Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops, L. Lopes et al. (Eds.),  LNCS vol. 8806, 577-588,  ISBN 978-3-319-14312-5, Springer (2014):
ESSEX: Equipping Sparse Solvers for Exascale

[285] Zenker B, Fehske H, Beck H: Fate of the excitonic insulator in the presence of phonons, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2014,

[284] Kreutzer M, Hager G, Wellein G, Fehske H, Bishop A: A Unified Sparse Matrix Data Format for Efficient General Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Modern Processors with Wide SIMD Units, SIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING 2014,

[283] Zenker B, Ihle D, Bronold F, Fehske H: Exciton formation in strongly correlated electron-hole systems near the semimetal-semiconductor transition, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2014,

[282] T. Kaneko, S. Ejima, H. Fehske, and Y. Ohta: Excitonic BCS-BEC crossover in double-layer systems.
Proc. Int. Conf. Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, JPS Conf. Proc. 3, 017006 (2014),

[281] S. Ejima and H. Fehske: Charge-density-wave formation in the Edwards fermion-boson model at one-third band filling.
Proc. Int. Conf. Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, JPS Conf. Proc. 3, 013006 (2014),

[280] Ejima S, Lange F, Fehske H: Spectral and Entanglement Properties of the Bosonic Haldane Insulator, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2014,

[279] zu Münster K, Gebhard F, Ejima S, Fehske H: Dynamical correlation functions for the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard insulator, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2014,

[278] R. Heinisch, F. X. Bronold, and H. Fehske: Surface electrons at plasma walls.
in Complex Plasmas: Scienti c Challenges and Technological Opportunities, Eds. M. Bonitz, K. Becker, J. Lopez and
H. Thomsen, Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics, 82, pp. 267-298, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-05437-7-8, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014):

[277] Thiessen E, Heinisch R, Bronold F, Fehske H: Infrared light extinction by charged dielectric core-coat particles, The European Physical Journal D 2014,

[276] Koch T, Loos J, Fehske H: Thermoelectric effects in molecular quantum dots with contacts, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2014,

[275] Pieper A, Heinisch R, Wellein G, Fehske H: Dot-bound and dispersive states in graphene quantum dot superlattices, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2014,

[274] Phan V.M., Fehske H, Becker K: Linear response within the projector-based renormalization method: many-body corrections beyond the random phase approximation, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B 2014,

[273] Ejima S, Kaneko T, Ohta Y, Fehske H: Order, Criticality, and Excitations in the Extended Falicov-Kimball Model, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2014,


[272] Pieper A, Heinisch R, Fehske H: Electron dynamics in graphene with gate-defined quantum dots, EPL 2013,

[271] Ejima S, Lange F, Fehske H, Gebhard F, zu Münster K: One-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with local three-body interactions, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2013,

[270] Phan V.M., Becker K, Fehske H: Exciton condensation due to electron-phonon interaction, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2013,

[269] Pieper A, Schubert G, Wellein G, Fehske H: Effects of disorder and contacts on transport through graphene nanoribbons, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2013,

[268] Bakemeier L, Alvermann A, Fehske H: Dynamics of the Dicke model close to the classical limit, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2013,

[267] Pagel D, Fehske H, Sperling J, Vogel W: Multipartite entangled light from driven microcavities, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2013,

[266] Pagel D, Nalbach P, Alvermann A, Fehske H, Thorwart M: Nonequilibrium quantum fluctuation relations for harmonic systems in nonthermal environments, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2013,

[265] Heinisch R, Bronold F, Fehske H: Optical signatures of the charge of a dielectric particle in a plasma, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 2013,

[264] Zenker B, Fehske H, Beck H, Monney C, Bishop A: Chiral charge order in 1$T$-TiSe$_$: Importance of lattice degrees of freedom, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2013,

[263] Kaneko T, Ejima S, Fehske H, Ohta Y: Exact-diagonalization study of exciton condensation in electron bilayers, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2013,

[262] Bauer D, Brabec T, Fehske H, Lochbrunner S, Meiwes-Broer K, Redmer R: Focus on correlation effects in radiation fields, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2013,

[261] Heinisch R, Bronold F, Fehske H: Mie scattering analog in graphene: Lensing, particle confinement, and depletion of Klein tunneling, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2013,

[260] Pagel D, Alvermann A, Fehske H: Equilibration and thermalization of the dissipative quantum harmonic oscillator in a nonthermal environment, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 2013,

[259] Nishimoto S, Ejima S, Fehske H: Anderson localization versus charge-density-wave formation in disordered electron systems, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2013,

[258] F. X. Bronold and H. Fehske: Elementary volume processes in gas discharges.
in Non-thermal plasma chemistry and physics., Eds. M. Schmidt, J. Meichsner, R. Schneider, and H.-E. Wagner, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton (2013), Section 9.2, pp. 427-452:


[257] Fehske H, Ejima S, Wellein G, Bishop A: Metal-insulator transition in the Edwards model, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2012,

[256] Ejima S, Fehske H, Gebhard F: Dynamic density-density correlations in interacting Bose gases on optical lattices, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2012,

[255] Heinisch R, Bronold F, Fehske H: Mie scattering by a charged dielectric particle, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2012,

[254] Koch T, Fehske H, Loos J: Phonon-affected steady-state transport through molecular quantum dots, PHYSICA SCRIPTA 2012,

[253] Pagel D, Fehske H, Sperling J, Vogel W: Strongly entangled light from planar microcavities, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2012,

[252] Ejima S, Sykora S, Becker K, Fehske H: Phase separation in the Edwards model, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2012,

[251] Bronold F, Fehske H, Heinisch R, Marbach J: Wall charge and potential from a microscopic point of view, CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS 2012,

[250] Schubert G, Haass M, Trottenberg T, Fehske H, Kersten H: Plasma Sheath Structures in Complex Electrode Geometries, CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS 2012,

[249] Schleede J, Filinov A, Bonitz M, Fehske H: Phase Diagram of Bilayer Electron-Hole Plasmas, CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS 2012,

[248] Meichsner J, Bonitz M, Piel A, Fehske H: Recent Progress in Complex Plasmas, CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS 2012,

[247] Alvermann A, Fehske H, Littlewood P: Numerical time propagation of quantum systems in radiation fields, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2012,

[246] Stolz H, Schwartz R, Kieseling F, Som S, Kaupsch M, Sobkowiak S, et al.: Condensation of excitons in Cu2O at ultracold temperatures: experiment and theory, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2012,

[245] Phan V.M., Fehske H: Coulomb interaction effects in graphene bilayers: electron–hole pairing and plasmaron formation, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2012,

[244] Hohenadler M, Assaad F, Fehske H: Effect of electron-phonon interaction range for a half-filled band in one dimension, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2012,

[243] Marbach J, Bronold F, Fehske H: Pseudo-particle approach for charge-transferring molecule-surface collisions, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2012,

[242] Kreutzer M, Hager G, Wellein G, Fehske H, Basermann A, Bishop A: Sparse Matrix-vector Multiplication on GPGPU Clusters: A New Storage Format and a Scalable Implementation, 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, Workshops and Phd Forum 2012,

[241] Ejima S, Fehske H, Gebhard F, zu Münster K, Knap M, Arrigoni E, et al.: Characterization of Mott-insulating and superfluid phases in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2012,

[240] Schubert G, Fehske H, Fritz L, Vojta M: Fate of topological-insulator surface states under strong disorder, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2012,

[239] Marbach J, Bronold F, Fehske H: Resonant charge transfer at dielectric surfaces: Electron capture and release due to impacting metastable nitrogen molecules, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D 2012,

[238] Filinov V, Fehske H, Bonitz M, Fortov V, Levashov P: Proton crystallization in a dense hydrogen plasma, CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS 2012,

[237] Bakemeier L, Alvermann A, Fehske H: Quantum phase transition in the Dicke model with critical and non-critical entanglement, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2012,

[236] Alvermann A, Bakemeier L, Fehske H: Collapse-revival dynamics and atom-field entanglement in the non-resonant Dicke model, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2012,

[235] Bhaseen M, Ejima S, Essler F, Fehske H, Hohenadler M, Simons B: Discrete symmetry breaking transitions between paired superfluids, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2012,

[234] Zenker B, Ihle D, Bronold F, Fehske H: Electron-hole pair condensation at the semimetal-semiconductor transition: A BCS-BEC crossover scenario, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2012,

[233] Schubert G, Fehske H: Charge carrier localisation in disordered graphene nanoribbons, Materials Scinces Forum 2012,

[232] Heinisch R, Bronold F, Fehske H: Electron surface layer at the interface of a plasma and a dielectric wall, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2012,

[231] Schubert G, Fehske H: Metal-to-insulator transition and electron-hole puddle formation in disordered graphene nanoribbons, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2012,


[230] Berciu M, Fehske H: Aharonov-Bohm interference for a hole in a two-dimensional Ising antiferromagnet in a transverse magnetic field, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2011,

[229] Schubert G, Fehske H, Hager G, Wellein G: Hybrid-parallel sparse matrix-vector multiplication with explicit communication overlap on current multi-core-based systems, Parallel Processing Letters 2011,

[228] Koch T, Loos J, Alvermann A, Fehske H: Nonequilibrium transport through molecular junctions in the quantum regime, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2011,

[227] G. Schubert, G. Hager, H. Fehske, and G. Wellein: Parallel sparse matrix-vector multiplication as a test case for parallel hybrid MPI+OpenMP programming;
2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, Anchorage AK, USA, DOI:10.1109/IPDPS.2011.332 IEEEXplore pp. 1751-1757 (2011):

[226] J. Marbach, F. X. Bronold, and H. Fehske. Secondary electron emission due to Auger de-excitation of metastable nitrogen molecules at metallic surfaces.
Proceedings 30th ICPIG, Belfast UK (2011):

[225] R. L. Heinisch, F. X. Bronold, and H. Fehske. Electronic physisorption at plasma walls.
Proceedings 30th ICPIG, Belfast UK (2011):

[224] Marbach J, Bronold F, Fehske H: Auger de-excitation of metastable molecules at metallic surfaces, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2011,

[223] Bhaseen M, Ejima S, Hohenadler M, Silver A, Essler F, Fehske H, et al.: Magnetic properties of the second Mott lobe in pairing Hamiltonians, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2011,

[222] Alvermann A, Littlewood P, Fehske H: Variational discrete variable representation for excitons on a lattice, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2011,

[221] Schubert G, Basner R, Kersten H, Fehske H: Determination of sheath parameters by test particles upon local electrode bias and plasma switching, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D 2011,

[220] Phan V.M., Fehske H, Becker K: Excitonic resonances in the 2D extended Falicov-Kimball model, EPL 2011,

[219] Zenker B, Ihle D, Bronold F, Fehske H: Slave-boson field fluctuation approach to the extended Falicov-Kimball model: Charge, orbital, and excitonic susceptibilities, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2011,

[218] Alvermann A, Fehske H: High-order commutator-free exponential time-propagation of driven quantum systems, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS 2011,

[217] Heinisch R, Bronold F, Fehske H: Physisorption of an electron in deep surface potentials off a dielectric surface, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2011,

[216] Sobkowiak S, Semkat D, Stolz H, Koch T, Fehske H: Phase separation of multicomponent excitonic Bose-Einstein condensates, Physica Status Solidi C 2011,

[215] Hohenadler M, Fehske H, Assaad F: Dynamic charge correlations near the Peierls transition, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2011,

[214] Bronold F, Heinisch R, Marbach J, Fehske H: Plasma walls beyond the perfect absorber approximation for electrons, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE 2011,

[213] Fehske H, Wellein G, Bishop A: Spatiotemporal evolution of polaronic states in finite quantum systems, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2011,

[212] Kunstmann J, Özdogan C, Quandt A, Fehske H: Stability of edge states and edge magnetism in graphene nanoribbons, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2011,

[211] Ejima S, Fehske H, Gebhard F: Dynamic properties of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model, EPL 2011,

[210] Ejima S, Bhaseen M, Hohenadler M, Essler F, Fehske H, Simons B: Ising Deconfinement Transition between Feshbach-Resonant Superfluids, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2011,



[209] Zenker B, Fehske H, Batista C: Competing chiral and multipolar electric phases in the extended Falicov-Kimball model, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2010,

[208] Edwards D, Ejima S, Alvermann A, Fehske H: A Green's function decoupling scheme for the Edwards fermion-boson model, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 2010,

[207] G. Schubert, G. Hager, and H. Fehske:Performance limitations for sparse matrix-vector multiplications on current multicore environments.
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching/Munich 2009, Eds. S.Wagner, M. Steinmetz, A. Bode, and M. M. Muller, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2010), pp. 13-26:

[206] Heinisch R, Bronold F, Fehske H: Phonon-mediated sticking of electrons at dielectric surfaces, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2010,

[205] M. Berciu and H. Fehske: Momentum Average approximation for models with boson-modulated hopping: Role of closed loops in the dynamical generation of a nite quasiparticle mass. Phys. Rev. B 82, 085116 (2010):

[204] Sobkowiak S, Semkat D, Stolz H, Koch T, Fehske H: Interacting multicomponent exciton gases in a potential trap: Phase separation and Bose-Einstein condensation, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2010,

[203] Schleede J, Schubert G, Fehske H: Comment on "Anderson transition in disordered graphene" by Amini M. et al., EPL 2010,

[202] N. V. Phan, K. W. Becker, and H. Fehske: Spectral signatures of the excitonic insulator in the extended Falicov-Kimball model.
Phys. Rev. B 81, 205117 (2010):

[201] Sykora S, Becker K, Fehske H: Charge-density-wave formation in a two-channel fermion-boson transport model: A projective renormalization approach, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2010,[202] van Nham P, Becker K, Fehske H: Spectral signatures of the BCS-BEC crossover in the excitonic insulator phase of the extended Falicov-Kimball model, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2010,

[200] Alvermann A, Fehske H, Trugman S: Polarons and slow quantum phonons, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2010,

[199] Alvermann A, Edwards D, Fehske H: Analytical calculation of the Green's function and Drude weight for a correlated fermion-boson system, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2010,

[198] Koch T, Loos J, Alvermann A, Bishop A, Fehske H: Transport through a vibrating quantum dot: Polaronic effects, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2010,

[197] Heinisch R, Bronold F, Fehske H: Phonon-mediated desorption of image-bound electrons from dielectric surfaces, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2010,

[196] Zenker B, Ihle D, Bronold F, Fehske H: On the existence of the excitonic insulator phase in the extended Falicov-Kimball model: a SO(2)-invariant slave-boson approach, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2010,

[195] Schubert G, Schleede J, Byczuk K, Fehske H, Vollhardt D: Distribution of the local density of states as a criterion for Anderson localization: Numerically exact results for various lattices in two and three dimensions, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2010,

[194] Ejima S, Fehske H: DMRG analysis of the SDW-CDW crossover region in the 1D half-filled Hubbard-Holstein model, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2010,

[193] Alvermann A, Fehske H: Non-equilibrium current and electron pumping in nanostructures, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2010,

[192] Fehske H, Hager G: Luttinger, Peierls or Mott? Quantum Phase Transitions in
Strongly Correlated 1D Electron-Phonon Systems; in ``Metal-to-Nonmetal Transitions'', F. Hensel, P. Edwards and R. Redmer (Eds.), Springer Series in Material Sciences, Vol. 132, pp. 1-22
(Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 2010)

[191] Bronold F X, Deutsch H, Fehske H: Microphysics of electrons at plasma boundaries;
in  Proceedings ISPC 19, Bochum 2009, A. von Keudell, J. Winter, M. B\"oke, V. Schulz-von der Gathen (Eds.),

Phan V.M., Mai A, Becker K: Extended periodic Anderson model close to a valence transition: A projector-based renormalization approach, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2010,


[190] Ejima S, Fehske H: One-Dimensional Quantum Transport Affected by a Background Medium: Fluctuations versus Correlations, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2009,

[189] Loos J, Koch T, Alvermann A, Bishop A, Fehske H: Phonon affected transport through molecular quantum dots, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 2009,

[188] Schubert G, Filinov V, Matyash K, Matyash, Schneider R, Fehske H: Comparative study of semiclassical approaches to quantum dynamics, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C 2009,

[187] G. Wellein, G. Hager, M. Wittmann, T. Zeiser, H. Fehske: Ecient temporal blocking for stencil computations by multicore-aware wavefront parallelization.
in Proceedings 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, Eds. S. I. Ahamed, E. Bertino, C. K. Chang, V. Getov, L. Liu, H. Ming, and R. Subramanyan, IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services, DOI10.1109/COMPSAC.2009, p. 579 (2009):

[186] Bronold F, Deutsch H, Fehske H: Physisorption kinetics of electrons at plasma boundaries, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D 2009,

[185] Ejima S, Fehske H: Luttinger parameters and momentum distribution function for the half-filled spinless fermion Holstein model: A DMRG approach, EPL 2009,

[184] Schubert G, Schleede J, Fehske H: Anderson disorder in graphene nanoribbons: A local distribution approach, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2009,

[183] Filinov V, Bonitz M, Fehske H, Fortov V, Levashov P: Structures of quantum 2D electron-hole plasmas, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 2009,

[182] Bronold F, Fehske H, Kersten H, Deutsch H: Towards a Microscopic Theory of Particle Charging, CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS 2009,

[181] G. Schubert and H. Fehske: Quantum percolation in disordered structures.
in \Quantum and Semiclassical Percolation and Breakdown in Disordered Solids", Eds. A. K. Sen, K. K. Bardhan and B. K. Chakrabarti, Lecture Notes in Physics 762, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (2009), pp. 135-162:

[180] Fehske H, Schleede J, Schubert G, Wellein G, Filinov V, Bishop A: Numerical approaches to time evolution of complex quantum systems, PHYSICS LETTERS A 2009,

[179] Mishchenko A, Nagaosa N, Alvermann A, Fehske H, De Filippis G, Cataudella V, et al.: Localization-delocalization transition of a polaron near a impurity, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2009,

[178] Alvermann A, Fehske H: Sparse polynomial space approach to dissipative quantum systems: Application to the sub-ohmic spin-boson model, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2009,

[177] Ejima S, Hager G, Fehske H: Quantum phase transition in a 1D transport model with boson affected hopping: Luttinger liquid versus charge-density-wave behavior, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2009,

[176] Basner R, Sigeneger F, Loffhagen D, Schubert G, Fehske H, Kersten H: Particles as probes for complex plasmas in front of biased surfaces, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2009,

[175] H. Fehske, A. Alvermann, and G. Wellein: Quantum transport within a background medium: Fluctuations versus Correlations.
in High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching/Munich 2007, Eds. S. Wagner, M. Steinmetz, A. Bode, and M. Brehm, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2009), pp 649-668:

Weiße A: Green-Function-Based Monte Carlo Method for Classical Fields Coupled to Fermions, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2009


[174] Fehske H, Hager G, Jeckelmann E: Metallicity in the half-filled Holstein-Hubbard model, EPL 2008,

[173] Ihle D, Pfafferott M, Burovski E, Bronold F, Fehske H: Bound state formation and nature of the excitonic insulator phase in the extended Falicov-Kimball model, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2008,

[172] Bronold F, Fehske H, Kersten H, Deutsch H: Surface States and the Charge of a Dust in a Plasma, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2008,

[171] Schubert G, Fehske H: Diffusion and localization in quantum random resistor networks, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2008,

[170] Alvermann A, Fehske H, Trugman S: Solution of the Holstein polaron anisotropy problem, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2008,

[169] Wellein G, Fehske H, Alvermann A, Edwards D: Correlation-Induced Metal Insulator Transition in a Two-Channel Fermion-Boson Model, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2008,

[168] Quandt A, Özdogan C, Kunstmann J, Fehske H: Boron doped graphene nanostructures, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS 2008,

[167] Burovski E, Fehske H, Mishchenko A: Exact Treatment of Exciton-Polaron Formation by Diagrammatic Monte Carlo Simulations, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2008,

[166] Filinov V, Fehske H, Bonitz M, Fortov V, Levashov P: Ordered structure formation in 2D mass asymmetric electron–hole plasmas, PHYSICS LETTERS A 2008,

[165] Filinov V, Schubert G, Levashov P, Bonitz M, Fehske H, Fortov V, et al.: Center-of-mass tomographic approach to quantum dynamics, PHYSICS LETTERS A 2008,

[164] Quandt A, Özdogan C, Kunstmann J, Fehske H: Functionalizing graphene by embedded boron clusters, NANOTECHNOLOGY 2008,

[163] Schubert G, Fehske H: Dynamical aspects of two-dimensional quantum percolation, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2008,

[162] Bronold F, Fehske H: On the possibility of excitonic phases at the semiconductor-semimetal transition, SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES 2008,

[161] Bonitz M, Ludwig P, Baumgartner H, Henning C, Filinov A, Block D, et al.: Classical and quantum Coulomb crystals, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 2008,

[160] A. Weiße and H. Fehske: Chebyshev expansion techniques.
in Computational Many-Particle Physics", H. Fehske, R. Schneider and A. Weiße (Eds.), Lect. Notes Phys. 739 (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 2008), pp. 545-577:

[159] A. Weiße and H. Fehske: Exact diagonalization techniques.
in Computational Many-Particle Physics", H. Fehske, R. Schneider and A. Weiße (Eds.), Lect. Notes Phys. 739 (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 2008), pp. 529-544:

[158] A. Alvermann and H. Fehske: The local distribution approach.
in Computational Many-Particle Physics", H. Fehske, R. Schneider and A. Weie (Eds.), Lect. Notes Phys. 739 (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 2008), pp. 505-526:

[157] Fehske H, Wellein G, Loos J, Bishop A: Localized polarons and doorway vibrons in finite quantum structures, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2008,

[156] Alvermann A, Fehske H: Chebyshev approach to quantum systems coupled to a bath, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2008,

Boos H, Damerau J, Göhmann F, Klümper A, Suzuki J, Weiße A: Short-distance thermal correlations in the XXZ chain, JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT 2008,


[155] F. X. Bronold, K. Matyash, D. Tskhakaya, R. Schneider, and H. Fehske: Particle-based modeling of oxygen discharges.
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Prague, Czech Republic, July (2007):

[154] Dittmann K, Matyash K, Bronold F, Schneider R, Fehske H, Meichsner J: Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases 2007,

[153] K. Matyash, H. Baumgartner, G. Schubert, R. Schneider, A. Filinov, A. Melzer, H. Fehske, and M. Bonitz: Modeling dust in plasmas: From 2d dust crystals to Coulomb balls. Proceedings of the 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Warsaw, Poland, Europhysics Conference AbstractsVol.31F, P-5.043 (2007):

[152] Hohenadler M, Littlewood P, Fehske H: Lattice exciton-polaron problem by quantum Monte Carlo simulations, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2007,

[151] Bronold F, Matyash K, Matyash, Tskhakaya D, Schneider R, Fehske H: Radio-frequency discharges in oxygen: I. Particle-based modelling, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 2007,

[150] H. Fehske and S. A. Trugman: Numerical solution of the Holstein polaron problem.
in Polarons in Advanced Materials, Ed. A. S. Alexandrov, Springer Series in Material Sciences Vol. 103, pp 393-461, (Springer, Dordrecht 2007):

[149] Bronold F, Fehske H, Röpke G: Excitonic versus electron-hole liquid phases in Tm[Se,Te] compounds, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2007,

[148] Hohenadler M, Fehske H: Bipolaron formation in 1D to 3D quantum dots: A lattice quantum Monte Carlo approach, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 2007,

[147] Hohenadler M, Hager G, Wellein G, Fehske H: Carrier-density effects in many-polaron systems, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 2007,

[146] Loos J, Hohenadler M, Alvermann A, Fehske H: Optical conductiviy of polaronic charge carriers, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 2007,

[145] Hager G, Weiße A, Wellein G, Jeckelmann E, Fehske H: The spin-Peierls chain revisited, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 2007,

[144] Filinov V, Fehske H, Bonitz M, Fortov V, Levashov P: Correlation effects in partially ionized mass asymmetric electron-hole plasmas, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 2007,

[143] Filinov V, Bonitz M, Fortov V, Fehske H, Levashov P: Coulomb crystal and quantum melting in electron-hole plasmas of semiconductors under high pressure, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS 2007,

[142] Alvermann A, Edwards D, Fehske H: Boson-controlled quantum transport, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2007,

Matyash K, Schneider R, Dittmann K, Meichsner J, Bronold F, et al.: Radio-frequency discharges in oxygen: III. Comparison of modelling and experiment, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 2007,

Matyash K, Schneider R, Taccogna F, Hattayama A, Longo S, et al.: Particle in Cell Simulation of Low Temperature Laboratory Plasma, CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS 2007,


[141] Weiße A, Hager G, Bishop A, Fehske H: Phase diagram of the spin-Peierls chain with local coupling: Density matrix renormalization-group calculations and unitary transformations, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2006,

[140] R. Basner, G. Thieme, F. Sigeneger, H. Kersten, G. Schubert, and H. Fehske: Plasma sheath diagnostics by micro-particles of different sizes.
Proceedings of the 33th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, Rome, Italy, June 2006, pp. 2082

[139] Bronold F, Fehske H: Possibility of an excitonic insulator at the semiconductor-semimetal transition, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2006,

[138] M. Bonitz, V.S. Filinov, A. Filinov, V. Golubnychiy, P. Ludwig, H. Baumgartner, P.R. Levashov, V.E. Fortov, and H. Fehske: Structure formation in strongly correlated Coulomb systems.
in Irreversible Prozesse und Selbstorganisation, Eds. Th. Pöschel, H. Malchow, and L. Schimansky-Geyer, Logos Verlag, Berlin 2006, pp 143-158

[137] Loos J, Hohenadler M, Alvermann A, Fehske H: Phonon spectral function of the Holstein polaron, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 2006,

[136] Hohenadler M, Wellein G, Bishop A, Alvermann A, Fehske H: Spectral signatures of the Luttinger liquid to charge-density-wave transition, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2006,

[135] H. Fehske, F.-X. Bronold, and A. Alvermann: Localisation versus self-trapping: Polaron formation in the Anderson-Holstein model.
Proc. Int. School of Physics Enrico Fermi", Course CLXI, Polarons in Bulk Materials and Systems with Reduced Dimensionality, Eds. G. Iadonisi, J. Ranninger, G. de Filippis, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Oxford, Tokio, Washington DC (2006), pp 313-325:

[134] H. Fehske and E. Jeckelmann: Quantum phase transitions in one-dimensional electron-phonon systems.
Proc. Int. School of Physics \Enrico Fermi", Course CLXI, Polarons in Bulk Materials and Systems with Reduced Dimensionality, Eds. G. Iadonisi, J. Ranninger, G. de Filippis, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Oxford, Tokio, Washington DC (2006), pp 297-311:

[133] H. Fehske, A. Alvermann, M. Hohenadler, and G. Wellein: Spectral signatures of Holstein polarons.
Proc. Int. School of Physics Enrico Fermi", Course CLXI, Polarons in Bulk Materials and Systems with Reduced Dimensionality, Eds. G. Iadonisi, J. Ranninger, G. de Filippis, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Oxford, Tokio, Washington DC (2006), pp 285-296:

[132] E. Jeckelmann and H. Fehske: Exact numerical methods for electron-phonon problems.
Proc. Int. School of Physics Enrico Fermi, Course CLXI, Polarons in Bulk Materials and Systems with Reduced Dimensionality, Eds. G. Iadonisi, J. Ranninger, G. de Filippis, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Oxford, Tokio, Washington DC (2006), pp 247-283; La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento 30, 259-292 (2007)

[131] Fehske H, Hager G, Wellein G, Jeckelmann E: Hole doped Hubbard ladders, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 2006,

[130] Wellein G, Bishop A, Hohenadler M, Schubert G, Fehske H: Optical response of many-polaron systems, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 2006,

[129] Hülsen B, Bronold F, Fehske H, Yonemitsu Y: Phase diagram of the excitonic insulator, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 2006,

[128] Hohenadler M, Wellein G, Alvermann A, Fehske H: Many-polaron problem by cluster perturbation theory, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 2006,

[127] Alvermann A, Fehske H: Stochastic Green's function approach to disordered systems, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2006,

[126] Golubnichiy V, Baumgartner H, Bonitz M, Filinov V, Fehske H: Screened Coulomb balls - structural properties and melting behaviour, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 2006,

[125] Bonitz M, Filinov V, Fortov V, Levashov P, Fehske H: Hole crystallization in semiconductors, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 2006,

[124] V.S. Filinov, M. Bonitz, V.E. Fortov, W. Ebeling, H. Fehske, D. Kremp, W.D. Kraeft, V. Bezkrovniy, P. Levashov: Monte Carlo simulations of dense quantum plasmas. J. Phys. A 39, 4421 (2006):

[123] G. Schubert, A. Alvermann, A. Weie, G. Hager, G. Wellein, and H. Fehske: Spectral properties of strongly correlated electron phonon systems.
Publication Series of the John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Eds. G. Munster, D. Wolf, and M. Kremer, NIC Series 32, 201 (2006):

[122] Loos J, Hohenadler M, Fehske H: Spectral functions of the spinless Holstein model, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 2006,

[121] Weiße A, Wellein G, Alvermann A, Fehske H: The kernel polynomial method, REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS 2006,

Weiße A, Bursill R, Hamer C, Zheng W: t-Jz ladder: Density-matrix renormalization group and series expansion calculations of the phase diagram, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2006,



[120] Alvermann A, Fehske H: Local distribution approach to disordered binary alloys, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B 2005,

[119] Bonitz M, Filinov V, Fortov V, Levashov P, Fehske H: Crystallization in Two-Component Coulomb Systems, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2005,

[118] Basner R, Fehske H, Kersten H, Kosse S, Schubert G: Gezielte Manipulation von Mikropartikeln in einem Plasma, Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis 2005,

[117] Schubert G, Wellein G, Weiße A, Alvermann A, Fehske H: Optical absorption and activated transport in polaronic systems, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2005,

[116] Arp O, Block D, Bonitz M, Fehske H, Golubnichiy V, Kosse S, et al.: 3D Coulomb balls: Experiment and simulation, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2005,

[115] Fehske H, Filinov V, Bonitz M, Fortov V, Levashov P: Exciton formation and dissociation in mass-asymmetric electron-hole plasmas, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2005,

[114] Hohenadler M, Neuber D, von der Linden W, Wellein G, Loos J, Fehske H: Photoemission spectra of many-polaron systems, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2005,

[113] Schubert G, Weiße A, Fehske H: Delocalisation transition in chains with correlated disorder, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 2005,

[112] Alvermann A, Schubert G, Weiße A, Bronold F, Fehske H: Characterisation of Anderson localisation using distributions, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 2005,

[111] Weiße A, Schubert G, Fehske H: Optical response of electrons in a random potential, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 2005,

[110] Weiße A, Fehske H, Ihle D: Spin-lattice coupling effects in the Holstein double-exchange model, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 2005,

[109] Fehske H, Wellein G, Hager G, Weiße A, Becker K, Bishop A: Luttinger liquid versus charge density wave behaviour in the one-dimensional spinless fermion Holstein model, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 2005,

[108] Hager G, Wellein G, Jeckelmann E, Fehske H: Stripe formation in doped Hubbard ladders, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2005,

[107] Schubert G, Weiße A, Fehske H: Localisation effects in quantum percolation, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2005,

[106] G. Schubert, A. Weiße, G. Wellein and H. Fehske: Comparative numerical study of Anderson localization in disordered electron systems.
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Munich 2004, Eds. A. Bode and F. Durst, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (2005), pp.237-250

[105] Sykora S, Hübsch A, Becker K, Wellein G, Fehske H: Single-particle excitations and soft phonon mode in the one-dimensional Holstein model, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2005,

[104] G. Hager, E. Jeckelmann, H. Fehske, and G. Wellein: Exact numerical treatment of nite quantum systems using leading-edge supercomputers.
in Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes, Eds. H. G. Bock, E. Kostina, H.-X. Phu, R. Rannacher, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2005), pp. 165-175:



[103] Krivenko S, Yaresko A, Khaliullin G, Fehske H: Magnon softening and damping in the ferromagnetic manganites due to orbital correlations, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 2004,

[102] Weiße A, Fehske H: Lattice and superexchange effects in doped CMR manganites, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 2004,

[101] Weiße A, Fehske H: Microscopic modelling of doped manganites, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2004,

[100] Fehske H, Wellein G, Hager G, Weiße A, Bishop A: Quantum lattice dynamical effects on single-particle excitations in one-dimensional Mott and Peierls insulators, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2004,

[99] G. Hager, E. Jeckelmann, G.Wellein, and H. Fehske: DMRG investigation of stripe formation in doped Hubbard ladders.
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Munich 2004, Eds. S. Wagner, W. Hanke, A. Bode, and F. Durst, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2004), pp 339:

[98] Bronold F, Alvermann A, Fehske H: Anderson localization in strongly coupled disordered slectron-phonon systems, PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE 2004,

[97] Hager G, Jeckelmann E, Fehske H, Wellein G: Parallelization strategies for density matrix renormalization group algorithms on shared-memory systems, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS 2004,

[96] Alvermann A, Bronold F, Fehske H: Electron transport in the Anderson model, Physica Status Solidi C 2004,

Bronold F, Saxena A, Smith D: Semiclassical kinetic theory of electron spin relaxation in semiconductors, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2004,


[95] Glaser U, Büttner H, Fehske H: Entanglement and correlation in anisotropic quantum spin systems, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2003,

[94] Weiße A, Loos J, Fehske H: Mixed-phase description of colossal magnetoresistive manganites, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2003,

[93] H. Fehske, G. Wellein, A. P. Kampf, M. Sekania, G. Hager, A. Weisse, H. Buttner, and A. R. Bishop: One-dimensional electron-phonon systems: Mott- versus Peierls-insulators.
in High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Munich 2002, Eds. S. Wagner, W. Hanke, A. Bode, and F. Durst, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2003), pp 339-349:

[92] Bronold F, Fehske H: Statistical dynamical mean-field description of strongly correlated disordered electron-phonon systems, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 2003,

[91] A. Weisse, G. Wellein, and H. Fehske: Exact diagonalization study of spin, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom in CMR manganites.
in High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '02, Eds. E. Krause and W. Jager, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2003), pp 157:

[90] G. Wellein, G. Hager, A. Basermann, and H. Fehske: Fast sparse matrix-vector multiplication for TFlops computers.
in High Performance Computing for Computational Science - VECPAR2002, Eds. J. Palma, J. Dongarra, V. Hernandez, and A. A. Sousa, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2565, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2003), pp 287-301:

[89 ]Fehske H, Kampf A, Sekania M, Wellein G: Nature of the Peierls- to Mott-insulator transition in 1D, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B 2003,


[88] Weiße A, Fehske H: Interplay of charge, spin, orbital and lattice correlations in colossal magnetoresistance manganites, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B 2002,

[87] Bronold F, Fehske H: Anderson localization of polaron states, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2002,

[86] Fehske H, Weiße A, Wellein G: Exact diagonalization results for strongly correlated electron-phonon systems, NIC Series Volume 9, John von Neumann Institut for Computing 2002,

[85] Weiße A, Fehske H: Numerical study of quantum percolation, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 2002,

[84] Fehske H, Wellein G, Weiße A, Göhmann F, Büttner H, Bishop A: Peierls-insulator Mott-insulator transition in 1D, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 2002,

[83] A.Weiße, G.Wellein, and H. Fehske: Density-matrix algorithm for phonon Hilbert space reduction in the numerical diagonalization of quantum many-body systems.
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '01, Eds. by E. Krause and W. Jager, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (2002), pp 131

Bronold F, Martin I, Saxena A, Smith D: Magnetic-field dependence of electron spin relaxation in n-type semiconductors, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2002,


[82] G. Wellein, G. Hager, A. Basermann, and H. Fehske: Exact Diagonalization of Large Sparse Matrices:
A Challenge for Modern Supercomputers.
CD CUC, Indian Wells, USA, April 2001

[81] Ihle D, Schindelin C, Fehske H: Magnetic order in the quasi-two-dimensional easy-plane XXZ model, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2001,

[80] Weiße A, Loos J, Fehske H: Two-phase scenario for the metal-insulator transition in CMR manganites, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2001,

[79] Weiße A, Loos J, Fehske H: Considerations on the quantum double-exchange Hamiltonian, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2001,

[78] H. Fehske, M. Kinateder, G. Wellein, and A. R. Bishop: Quantum lattice e ects in mixed-valence transition-metal chain complexes.
Phys. Rev. B 63, 245121(2001),

[77] Schindelin C, Fehske H, Büttner H, Ihle D: Quantum effects in the 2D XY model, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 2001,

[76] Holicki M, Fehske H: Landau approach to the spin-Peierls transition, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 2001,

[75] M. Kinateder, G. Wellein, A. Basermann, and H. Fehske: Jacobi-Davidson algorithm with fast matrix vector multiplication on massively parallel and vector supercomputers. High Performance Computing
in Science and Engineering '00}, Eds.  E. Krause and W. Jäger, Springer-Verlag,  Heidelberg (2001), pp 188-204

[74] Holicki M, Fehske H, Werner R: Magneto-elastic excitations in spin-Peierls systems, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2001,

[73] Fehske H, Schindelin C, Weiße A, Büttner H, Ihle D: Quantum to classical crossover in the 2D easy-plane XXZ model, BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2000,

[72] Schindelin C, Fehske H, Büttner H, Ihle D: Spin correlation functions and susceptibilities in the easy-plane XXZ chain, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2000,

[71] H. Fehske, M. Holicki, and A. Weiße, Lattice dynamical e ects on the Peierls transition in one-dimensional metals and spin chains.
Advances in Solid State Physics 40, 235 (2000):

[70] H. Fehske, M. Deeg, and H. Büttner: Slave-Boson Approach to Strongly Correlated Electron Systems.
in DFG: Macromolecular Systems: Microscopic Interactions and Macroscopic Properties, Eds. H. Ho mann, M. Schwoerer, and T. Vogtmann, Wiley-VCH Weinheim (2000), p. 88-112

[69] Weiße A, Fehske H, Wellein G, Bishop A: Optimized phonon approach for the diagonalization of electron-phonon problems, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2000,

[68] Fehske H, Loos J, Wellein G: Lattice polaron formation: Effects of non-screened electron-phonon interaction, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2000,

[67] G. Wellein and H. Fehske: Towards the limits of present-day supercomputers: Exact diagonalization of strongly correlated electron-phonon systems.
in High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '99, Eds. E. Krause and W. Jager, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2000), pp 112-129:

[66] Schindelin C, Ihle D, Drechsler S, Fehske H: Spin correlation functions and Néel order in the 2D Heisenberg model: Effects of spatial anisotropy, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 2000,

[65] Fehske H, Wellein G, Büttner H, Bishop A, Salkola M: Local mode behaviour in quasi-1D CDW systems, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 2000,

[64] Ihle D, Schindelin C, Weiße A, Fehske H: Magnetic order-disorder transition in the two-dimensional spatially anisotropic Heisenberg model at zero temperature, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1999,

[63] Weiße A, Wellein G, Fehske H: Quantum lattice fluctuations in a frustrated Heisenberg spin-Peierls chain, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1999,

[62] Fehske H, Wellein G, Büttner H: Pairing susceptibility of strongly correlated electrons weakly coupled to the lattice, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 1999,

[61] Loos J, Fehske H: Spin excitations in ferromagnetic manganites, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 1999,

[60] Büchner B, Fehske H, Kampf A, Wellein G: Lattice dimerization for the spin-Peierls compound CuGeO3, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 1999,

[59] Weiße A, Bouzerar G, Fehske H: A new model to describe the physics of (VO)2P2O7, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B 1999,

[58] Weiße A, Fehske H: Peierls instability and optical response in the one-dimensional half-filled Holstein model of spinless fermions, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1998,

[57] Wellein G, Fehske H, Kampf A: Peierls dimerization with non-adiabatic spin-phonon coupling, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 1998,

[56] Wellein G, Fehske H: Self-trapping problem of electrons or excitons in one dimension, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1998,

[55] Bäuml B, Wellein G, Fehske H: Optical absorption and single-particle excitations in the 2D Holstein t-J model, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1998,

[54] G. Wellein, B. Bäuml, and H. Fehske: Dynamical pairing correlations in the t-J model with non-adiabatic hole-phonon coupling.
in Recent Progress in Many-Body theories, Eds. D. Neilson and R. F. Bishop, World Scientific, Singapore (1998), p . 481

[53] Trapper U, Ihle D, Büttner H, Fehske H: Magnetic short-range order effects in the 2D t-J model, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 1998,

[52] Fehske H, Loos J, Wellein G: Spectral properties of the 2D Holstein polaron, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 1997,

[51] Fehske H, Wellein G, Bäuml B, Silver R: Spectral properties of the 2D Holstein t-J model, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 1997,

[50] Wellein G, Fehske H, Büttner H, Bishop A: On the stability of polaronic superlattices in strongly coupled electron-phonon systems, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 1997,

[49] Trapper U, Fehske H, Ihle D: Magnetic properties of the 2D t-t'-Hubbard model, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 1997,

[48] Wellein G, Fehske H: Polaron band formation in the Holstein model, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1997,

[47] Loos J, Fehske H: Effective one-band electron-phonon Hamiltonian for nickel perovskites, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1997,

[46] Trapper U, Ihle D, Fehske H: Theory of magnetic short-range order for itinerant electron systems, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B 1997,

[45] Fehske H, Wellein G, Bäuml B, Büttner H: Polaronic effects in strongly coupled electron-phonon systems: Exact diagonalization results for the 2D Holstein t-J model, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 1997,

[44] Trapper U, Ihle D, Fehske H: Theory of magnetic short-range order for high-Tc superconductors, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 1997,

[43] Schindelin C, Trapper U, Fehske H, Büttner H: Theory of short-range magnetic order for the t-J model, CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 1996,

[42] Loos J, Fehske H: Interplay of charge and spin correlations in nickel perovskites, CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 1996,

[41] Trapper U, Ihle D, Fehske H: Spin susceptibility and magnetic short-range order in the Hubbard model, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1996,

[40] Wellein G, Röder H, Fehske H: Polarons and bipolarons in strongly interacting electron-phonon systems, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1996,

[39] Trapper U, Ihle D, Fehske H: Magnetic short-range order versus long-range order in the Hubbard model, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1995,[33]

[38] Fehske H, Röder H, Wellein G, Mistriotis A: Hole--polaron formation in the 2D Holstein-t-J model: A variational Lanczos study, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1995,

[37] Ihle D, Fehske H: Unitary-transformation scheme for bi-/polaron  correlation models, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 1995,

[36] Deeg M, Fehske H, Büttner H: Magnetic correlations and spin dynamics in the t-t'-J model, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 1995,

[35] Fehske H, Deeg M: Magnetism and transport in the t-t'-J model, JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 1995,

[34] Fehske H, Deeg M: Hall resistivity of hole- and electron-doped high-Tc cuprates, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 1995,

[33] Deeg M, Fehske H: Slave-boson study of the t-t'-J model: Phase diagram, spin susceptibility and Hall resistivity, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1994,

[32] Röder H, Fehske H, Silver R: The ordering of polarons in the Holstein-t-J model: An application to La2-xSrxNiO4+y, Europhysics Letters 1994,

[31] Ihle D, Fehske H, Loos J, Trapper U: Bi-/Polaron formation and optical conductivity in the Holstein-Hubbard model, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 1994,

[30] Fehske H, Deeg M: Transport and charge/magnetic order in the 2D Holstein/t-t'-J model, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 1994,

[29] Deeg M, Fehske H, Körner S, Trimper S, Ihle D: Dynamic spin and charge susceptibilities in the t-J model, Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 1994,

[28] Deeg M, Fehske H, Büttner H: Magnetic phase diagram and transport properties of the t-J model: A spin-rotation-invariant slave-boson approach, Europhysics Letters 1994,

[27] Fehske H, Ihle D, Loos J, Trapper U, Büttner H: Polaron formation and hopping conductivity in the Holstein-Hubbard model, Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 1994,

[26] H. Fehske and H. Röder: The phase diagram of the 2D Holstein t-J model.
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Nonlinear Coherent Structures in Physics and Biology, Bayreuth 1993, Eds. K. H. Spatschek and F. G. Mertens, NATO ASI series B 329, p. 233, Plenum Press, New York, (1994)

[25] H.Fehske, U. Trapper, M. Deeg, and H. Büttner: Variational slave boson approach to the Holstein-Hubbard model.
NATO Advanced ResearchWorkshop on Nonlinear Coherent Structures in Physics and Biology, Bayreuth 1993, Eds. K. H. Spatschek and F. G. Mertens, NATO ASI series B 329, p. 229, Plenum Press, New York, (1994)

[24] Trapper U, Fehske H, Deeg M, Büttner H: Electron correlations and quantum lattice vibrations in strongly coupled electron-phonon systems: a variational slave boson approach, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 1994,

[23] Waas V, Fehske H, Büttner H: Exact diagonalization study of the t-J model in the low-density limit: Implications for phase separation, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1993,

[22] Fehske H, Röder H, Mistriotis A, Büttner H: The phase diagram of the 2D Holstein-t-J model near half-filling, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 1993,

[21] Röder H, Fehske H, Büttner H: Exact diagonalisation study of the 2D t-J model with adiabatic Holstein phonons: Single hole case, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1993,

[20] Deeg M, Fehske H, Büttner H: Slave-boson phase diagram of the two-dimensional extended Hubbard model: Influence of electron-phonon coupling, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 1993,

[19] Deeg M, Fehske H, Büttner H: Slave boson mean field theory for the 2D Peierls Hubbard system, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 1992,

[18] Fehske H, Deeg M, Büttner H: Two-dimensional Peierls-Hubbard model within the slave-boson approach, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1992,

[17] Röder H, Fehske H, Waas V, Büttner H: Thermodynamics of the two-dimensional t-J model, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1992,

[16] Fehske H, Waas V, Röder H, Büttner H: Hole dynamics in a strongly correlated two-dimensional spin background, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1991,

[15] Röder H, Waas V, Fehske H, Büttner H: Holes in a two-dimensional Hubbard antiferromagnet, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1991,

[14] Fehske H, Waas V, Röder H, Büttner H: On the possibility of phase separation in the extended Hubbard model, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 1990,

[13] Fehske H, Ihle D: On the T3lnT law in the specific heat of spin-fluctuation compounds, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 1989,

[12] Ihle D, Fehske H: Fermi-surface geometry and pressure effects on the spin-fluctuation contributions to the specific heat: Anisotropic spin-fluctuation model for heavy-fermion UPt3, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 1989,

[11] Fehske H, Ihle D: On the coexistence of ferro- and antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations and their contributions to the specific heat, Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 1988,

[10] Fehske H, Ihle D: Flatness in the wave-vector-dependent response function of metals with a corrugated cylindrical Fermi surface: Consequences for the paramagnon mass enhancement, Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics 1988,

[9] Fehske H, Ihle D: Effects of Fermi surface geometry on the spin susceptibility: Model calculation, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Hochschule für Verkehrswesen 1987,

[8] Fehske H, Ihle D: Effects of Fermi surface anisotropy and topology on the spin susceptibility of metals, Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics 1987,

[7] Fehske H: On a simple functional moment approach to itinerant magnetism: Application to Ni, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS 1985,

[6] Lorenz B, Fehske H: Critical study of the static functional integral method in the Hubbard model, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS 1984,

[5] H. Fehske and B. Lorenz: Some remarks on the spin fluctuation theories for itinerant electrons.
Lecture Notes in Physics: Static Critical Phenomena in Inhomogeneous Systems, Eds. A. Pekalski and J. Sznajd, Vol. 206, 327-336 (Berlin 1984) Springer-Verlag:

[4] Fehske H, Lorenz B: On the validity of the static approximation in the spin-fluctuation theory for itinerant electrons, Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 1984,

[3] Fehske H, Kolley E, Kolley W: Spin-glass behaviour in disordered Hubbard alloys, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS 1984,

[2] Fehske H: Spin fluctuations in alloys with random transfer, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS 1983,

[1] Kolley E, Kolley W, Fehske H: CPA study of the electrical conductivity for various percolation models, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS1982,