PhD defence in Cadarache, France


Peter Manz was on the jury of Oliver Panico's PhD defense. Congratulations to Dr. Panico on the defense of his great work. Oliver Panico is this year's Itoh project prize winner

PhD defense in Tromsø


Peter Manz was a member of the evaluation committee for the defense of Juan Manuel Losada's dissertation in Tromsø, Norway. Congratulations and keep up the good work. 

Talk at SPARC Physics Meeting


Peter Manz gave a talk on density limits at the SPARC Physics Meeting at CFS/MIT 

H-mode workshop


Peter Manz gave overview lecture on density and radiation operational limits to H-mode sustainment at the 19th International Workshop on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers in Mito (Japan). 


On the nature of the QCM in EDA H-mode in ASDEX Upgrade


Understanding the properties of the quasi-coherent mode (QCM) is crucial for extending the enhanced D-alpha (EDA) H-mode to future devices. The QCM clamps the pressure gradient below the ideal magnetohydrodynamic limit to prevent large-scale type-I ELMs. A study conducted on the ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) investigated the nature of the QCM using probes. It is revealed that the QCM exhibits a versatile character, extending from the confined region to the near scrape-off layer (SOL). In the confined region, where the radial electric field is negative, fluctuations in density and potential at the QCM frequency are anticorrelated, indicating electromagnetic instabilities. In the SOL, where the radial electric field is positive, the fluctuations are strongly correlated, which aligns with the expectations for a drift wave. The paper has been recently published in Nuclear Fusion

Power and water supply for the VINETA laboratory are installed


In fusion research, we have become used to long build-up times. After 3 years, the time has finally come. The electricity and water supply for the VINETA laboratory have been installed. Now the experiment can be connected soon.    

PANTA Campaign 2024 - old and new colleagues

Fukuoka Skyline 2024
Prof. Moon, Prof. Yun and Prof. Manz wih the students of Prof. Yun
Prof. Moon, Prof. Manz and Prof. Diamond
PANTA in operation

From August 14 to 22, Prof. Manz visited the RIAM in Fukuoka, Japan.  

Experimental evidence for the drift wave nature of the weakly coherent mode in ASDEX Upgrade I-mode plasmas


Manuel Herschel investigated the dispersion behavior of the weak coherent mode (WCM) in I-modes in ASDEX Upgrade. The WCM propagating in the electron-diamagnetic direction is in agreement with the dispersion relation of drift waves if temperature fluctuations can be neglected. This confirms important assumptions in our theory. The paper was recently published in Nuclear Fusion.  

Tobias Tork defended his Master's thesis

Today Tobias Tork defended his master thesis with the topic 'Estimation of turbulent transport coefficients from single point density fluctuations'. In his master thesis Tobias Tork has developed a method that allows to determine transport coefficients of particles and heat transport in fusion plasmas only from measurements of density or temperature fluctuations via conditioning. The method was validated by means of gyrofluid simulations and experiments in ASDEX Upgrade and Wendelstein 7-X. The method allows simple and quite precise estimation of the transport coefficients with existing diagnostics. We believe that this may represent a methodological breakthrough. Special thanks at this point also to Nicolas Bian for the great idea, Felix Reimold for the great support at IPP Greifswald, Carsten Killer and Gustavo Grenfell for the measurement data from W7-X and AUG and Dirk Reiser for numerical support.  

Guests from IPP Garching

On April 3rd we had Dr. Stegmeir and on May 10th Dr. Grover from IPP Garching as guests in our working group. We would like to thank them for their interest and hope for a good future cooperation.

SepOS has been extended to experiments with the unfavorable grad-B drift


The SepOS model has been extended to experiments with the unfavorable grad-B drift. The combination with the theory of the magnetic-shear-induced Reynolds stress offers a possibility to quantitatively explain the phenomena. The work was recently published in Nuclear Fusion

Nils Müller in Physics of Plasmas Early Career Collection 2023


Physics of Plasmas recently launched the 2023 Early Career Collection, a collection of outstanding papers from the next generation of plasma physicists. To be eligible, the defense of the doctoral degree must have taken place less than five years ago at the time of submission of the manuscript. Nils Müller's work is based on his bachelor thesis and is listed in the collection. We are therefore particularly proud of his achievement and join in the congratulations. 

Home match

From February 26th to February 29th, 2024, the DPG Spring Conference 2024 took place on the campus of the University of Greifswald. Stefan and Tiano presented our experiments. As co-hosts of the conference, we hope everyone had a great experience in our small, beautiful city. We loved it and would like to have conferences in smaller cities more often. It was nice to see old friends and meet new people.  

Many new possible thesis topics are now online


and you can find them here

visit by Dr. Flock

On February 15th, Dr. Mario Flock, group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, visited us. We had great conversations and good ideas. 

International guests visit the group


On Thursday Dr. Ümmügül Erözbek Güngör from the Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey) and today on Friday Prof. Dr. Takashi Nishizawa from Kyushu University (Fukuoka, Japan) visited us to have a look at our laboratories for future cooperation. We hope they found the experiments interesting and that we can welcome them to Greifswald more often or that we can be guests in Turkey or Japan.