SepOS has been extended to experiments with the unfavorable grad-B drift


The SepOS model has been extended to experiments with the unfavorable grad-B drift. The combination with the theory of the magnetic-shear-induced Reynolds stress offers a possibility to quantitatively explain the phenomena. The work was recently published in Nuclear Fusion

Nils Müller in Physics of Plasmas Early Career Collection 2023


Physics of Plasmas recently launched the 2023 Early Career Collection, a collection of outstanding papers from the next generation of plasma physicists. To be eligible, the defense of the doctoral degree must have taken place less than five years ago at the time of submission of the manuscript. Nils Müller's work is based on his bachelor thesis and is listed in the collection. We are therefore particularly proud of his achievement and join in the congratulations. 

Home match

From February 26th to February 29th, 2024, the DPG Spring Conference 2024 took place on the campus of the University of Greifswald. Stefan and Tiano presented our experiments. As co-hosts of the conference, we hope everyone had a great experience in our small, beautiful city. We loved it and would like to have conferences in smaller cities more often. It was nice to see old friends and meet new people.  

Many new possible thesis topics are now online


and you can find them here

visit by Dr. Flock

On February 15th, Dr. Mario Flock, group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, visited us. We had great conversations and good ideas. 

International guests visit the group


On Thursday Dr. Ümmügül Erözbek Güngör from the Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey) and today on Friday Prof. Dr. Takashi Nishizawa from Kyushu University (Fukuoka, Japan) visited us to have a look at our laboratories for future cooperation. We hope they found the experiments interesting and that we can welcome them to Greifswald more often or that we can be guests in Turkey or Japan.