L-H transition
Kim and Diamond predicted that the transition from L-mode to H-mode can be explained by an intermediate, quasi-periodic transient stage, where turbulence, zonal flow, mean shear flow and the pressure gradient are coupled. In particular the interaction between turbulence and shear flows is important for the L-H transition. Increasing the heating power does not lead to an enhancement of the pressure gradient in L-mode. Instead only the fluctuation level of the turbulence increases. With increasing fluctuation level also the drive of the zonal flow increases. At some point the drive overcomes the zonal flow damping rate. A finite zonal flow then begins to grow and extract kinetic energy from the turbulence and thereby acts to suppress the turbulence amplitude. This leads to saturation of the turbulence. However, as turbulence is suppressed the zonal flow drive also reduces. For input powers just below the transition threshold, self-regulation between turbulence and
zonal flows occurs as an oscillatory behavior, characteristic for predator-prey systems. These predator-prey oscillations have been observed in various devices at the L-H transition.
A turbulence suppression criterion was established which states that turbulence is suppressed when the energy transfer rate from the turbulence into the shear flow exceeds the effective growth rate of turbulence. In this case, the turbulence collapses. This criterion was confirmed in experiments in EAST, DIII-D and Alcator C-mod.
In ASDEX Upgrade the limit.cycle oscillations (LCOs) close to the L-H transition were studied in detail. In ASDEX Upgrade, the regime at the L-H transition is called the I-phase. The magnetic signature of the I-phase was studied and scaling laws for the frequency were established. It was also shown that the predator-prey oscillations are not governed by the interaction between turbulence and zonal flows, but by that between turbulence and the flow associated with the background ion pressure gradient. This is also consistent with the magnetic signature, which can be explained via the stringer-spin up. However, the difference between zonal flow and ExB background shear does not really make a difference for the turbulence suppression due to energy transfer. Therefore, the turbulence suppression criterion holds here as well.
relevant publications
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