Dr. Paul Fischer

Dr. Paul Fischer
Universität Greifswald
Institut für Physik
Arbeitsgruppe Atom- und Molekülphysik
Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 6
17489 Greifswald
Tel. (Office) +49 3834 420-4758
Tel. (Lab) +49 3834 420-4775
- Delayed photofission of dianionic tin clusters
A. Jankowski, P. Fischer, M. Grunwald-Delitz, L. Schweikhard
Eur. Phys. J. D 79, 14 (2025) - Refining the nuclear mass surface with the mass of 103Sn
L. Nies, D. Atanasov, M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M. Au, C. Bernerd, K. Blaum, K. Chrysalidis, P. Fischer, R. Heinke, C. Klink, D. Lange, D. Lunney, V. Manea, B.A. Marsh, M. Müller, M. Mougeot, S. Naimi, Ch. Schweiger, L. Schweikhard, F. Wienholtz
Phys. Rev. C 111, 014315 (2025)
- Gas-phase thorium molecules from laser ablation
P. Fischer. J. Stricker, Ch. E. Düllmann, D. Renisch, L. Schweikhard, Ch. Tantardini
Phys. Rev. Res. 6, 043317 (2024) - Production and purification of molecular 225Ac at CERN-ISOLDE
M. Au, L. Nies, S. Stegemann, M. Athanasakis‑Kaklamanakis, T. E. Cocolios, P. Fischer, P. F. Giesel, J. D. Johnson, U. Köster, D. Lange, M. Mougeot, J. Reilly, M. Schlaich, Ch. Schweiger, L. Schweikhard, F. Wienholtz, W. Wojtaczka, Ch. E. Düllmann, S. Rothe
J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. (2024) - Evaluation of MagneTOF detector signals for the determination of many-ion bunches
F. Simke, P. Fischer, L. Schweikhard
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 506, 117337 (2024) - Simulations of a cryogenic, buffer-gas filled Paul trap for low-emittance ion bunches
S. Lechner, S. Sels, I. Belosevic, F. Buchinger, P. Fischer, C. Kanitz, V. Lagaki, F.M. Maier, P. Plattner, L. Schweikhard, M. Vilen, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 1065, 169471 (2024) - A multi-reflection time-of-flight setup for the study of atomic clusters produced by magnetron sputtering
P. F. Giesel, P. Fischer, L. Schweikhard
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 023201 (2024) - Delayed photodissociation of the tin cluster Sn22−
A. Jankowski, P. Fischer, K. Hansen, L. Schweikhard
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26(2), 1105 (2024) - A multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer for the offline ion source of the PUMA experiment
M. Schlaich, J. Fischer, P. Fischer, C. Klink, A. Obertelli, A. Schmidt, L. Schweikhard, F. Wienholtz
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 495, 117177 (2024)
- Further Evidence for Shape Coexistence in 79Znm Near Doubly-Magic 78Ni
L. Nies, L. Canete, D. D. Dao, S. Giraud, A. Kankainen, D. Lunney, F. Nowacki, B. Bastin, M. Stryjczyk, P. Ascher, K. Blaum, R. B. Cakirli, T. Eronen, P. Fischer, M. Flayol, V. Girard Alcindor, A. Herlert, A. Jokinen, A. Khanam, U. Köster, D. Lange, I. D. Moore, M. Müller, M. Mougeot, D. A. Nesterenko, F. de Oliveira, H. Penttilä, C. Petrone, I. Pohjalainen, A. De Roubin, V. Rubchenya, Ch. Schweiger, L. Schweikhard, M. Vilen, and J. Äystö
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 222503 (2023) - Commissioning the digital mass-filter/ion-trap module for the MS SPIDOC prototype
F. Simke, P. Fischer, T. Damjanović, A. Kádek, T. Kierspel, K. Lorenzen, C. Uetrecht, L. Schweikhard
J. Instrum. 18, P10021 (2023) - Increased beam energy as a pathway towards a highly selective and high-flux MR-ToF mass separator
F.M. Maier, F. Buchinger, L. Croquette, P. Fischer, H. Heylen, F. Hummer, C. Kanitz, A.A. Kwiatkowski, V. Lagaki, S. Lechner, E. Leistenschneider, G. Neyens, P. Plattner, A. Roitman, M. Rosenbusch, L. Schweikhard, S. Sels, M. Vilen, F. Wienholtz, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 1056, 168545 (2023) - In-source and in-trap formation of molecular ions in the actinide mass range at CERN-ISOLDE
M. Au, M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, L. Nies, J. Ballof, R. Berger, K. Chrysalidis, P. Fischer, R. Heinke, J. Johnson, U. Köster, D. Leimbach, B. Marsh, M. Mougeot, B. Reich, J. Reilly, E. Reis, M. Schlaich, Ch. Schweiger, L. Schweikhard, S. Stegemann, J. Wessolek, F. Wienholtz, S.G. Wilkins, W. Wojtaczka, Ch.E. Düllmann, S. Rothe
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 541, 375 (2023) - Photodissociation of small group-14 atomic clusters in a multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer
P. Fischer, P. F. Giesel, L. Schweikhard
Eur. Phys. J. D 77, 27 (2023)
- Disentangling polycationic fullerenes produced from glassy carbon with multireflection time-of-flight mass spectrometry
P. Fischer, L. Schweikhard
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043187 (2022) - Doppler and sympathetic cooling for the investigation of short-lived radioactive ions
S. Sels, F. M. Maier, M. Au, P. Fischer, C. Kanitz, V. Lagaki, S. Lechner, E. Leistenschneider, D. Leimbach, E. M. Lykiardopoulou, A. A. Kwiatkowski, T. Manovitz, Y. N. Vila Gracia, G. Neyens, P. Plattner, S. Rothe, L. Schweikhard, M. Vilen, R. N. Wolf, and S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033229 (2022) - The NEXT Project: Towards Production and Investigation of Neutron-Rich Heavy Nuclides
J. Even, X. Chen, A. Soylu, P. Fischer, A. Karpov, V. Saiko, J. Saren, M. Schlaich, T. Schlathölter, L. Schweikhard, J. Uusitalo, F. Wienholtz
Atoms 10, 59 (2022) - Stacked-ring ion guide for cooling and bunching rare isotopes
X. Chen, J. Even, P. Fischer, M. Schlaich, T. Schlathölter, L. Schweikhard, A. Soylu
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 477, 116856 (2022) - Simulations of a digital ion filter and a digital ion trap for heavy biomolecules
F. Simke, P. Fischer, G. Marx, L. Schweikhard
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 473, 116779 (2022)
- An accuracy benchmark of the MIRACLS apparatus: Conventional, single-passage collinear laser spectroscopy inside a MR-ToF device
V. Lagaki, H. Heylen, I. Belosevic, P. Fischer, C. Kanitz, S. Lechner, F. M. Maier, W. Nörtershäuser, P. Plattner, M. Rosenbusch, S. Sels, L. Schweikhard, M. Vilen, F. Wienholtz, R.N. Wolf, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer
Nucl. Instr. Methods A 1014, 165663 (2021) - Multiple active voltage stabilizations for multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometry
P. Fischer, L. Schweikhard
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92, 063203 (2021) - Concatenated multi-reflection time-of-flight spectra for wide-band mass spectrometry
P. Fischer, S. König, L. Schweikhard
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 463, 116546 (2021)
- Decay-rate power-law exponent as a link between dissociation energy and temperature
P. Fischer, L. Schweikhard
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043177 (2020) - Stray-light Suppression for the MIRACLS Proof-of-principle Experiment
V. Lagaki, P. Fischer, H. Heylen, F. Hummer, S. Lechner, S. Sels, F. Maier, P. Plattner, M. Rosenbusch, F. Wienholtz, R.N. Wolf, W. Nörtershäuser, L. Schweikhard, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer
Acta Phys. Pol. B 51, 571 (2020) - Multiple-ion-ejection multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometry for single-reference mass measurements with lapping ion species
P. Fischer, L. Schweikhard
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91, 023201 (2020) - First steps in the development of the Multi Ion Reflection Apparatus for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy
S. Sels, P. Fischer, H. Heylen, V. Lagaki, S. Lechner, F. M. Maier, P. Plattner, M. Rosenbusch, F. Wienholtz, R. N. Wolf, W. Nörtershäuser, L. Schweikhard, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer
Nucl. Instr. Methods B 463, 310 (2020)
- Isotope-resolved photodissociation pathways of lead-doped bismuth clusters from tandem multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometry
P. Fischer, L. Schweikhard
Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033050 (2019) - A multi-reflection time-of-flight setup for the improvement and development of new methods and the study of atomic clusters
S. Knauer, P. Fischer, G. Marx, M. Müller, M. Rosenbusch, B. Schabinger, L. Schweikhard, R.N. Wolf
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 446, 116189 (2019) - Fluorescence detection as a new diagnostics tool for electrostatic ion beam traps
S. Lechner, P. Fischer, H. Heylen, V. Lagaki, F. M. Maier, P. Plattner, M. Rosenbusch, S. Sels, F. Wienholtz, R. N. Wolf, W. Nörtershäuser, L. Schweikhard, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer
Hyp. Int 240, 95 (2019) - Photofragmentation of Bin+/- clusters (n = 2−19) in an electrostatic ion beam trap
P. Fischer, L. Schweikhard
Eur. Phys. J. D 73, 105 (2019) - Simulations of a proof-of-principle experiment for collinear laser spectroscopy within a multi-reflection time-of-flight device
F. M. Maier, P. Fischer, H. Heylen, V. Lagaki, S. Lechner, P. Plattner, S. Sels, F. Wienholtz, W. Nörtershäuser, L. Schweikhard, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer
Hyp. Int. 240, 54 (2019) - Multiple ion capture and separation in an electrostatic storage device
P. Fischer, G. Marx, L. Schweikhard
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 435, 305-314 (2019)
- Non-isobaric time-of-flight correction for isobar resolving in MR-ToF mass spectrometry
P. Fischer, S. Knauer, G. Marx, L. Schweikhard
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 432, 44-51 (2018) - In-depth study of in-trap high-resolution mass separation by transversal ion ejection from a multi-reflection time-of-flight device
P. Fischer, S. Knauer, G. Marx, L. Schweikhard
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 015114 (2018) - Disentangling the photodissociation pathways of small lead clusters by time-resolved monitoring of their delayed decays: The case of Pb31+
M. Wolfram, S. König, S. Bandelow, P. Fischer, A. Jankowski, G. Marx, L. Schweikhard
J. Phys. B 51, 044005 (2018)
- Multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometry with combined in-trap lift capture and mirror-switch ejection
S. Knauer, P. Fischer, G. Marx, B. Schabinger, L. Schweikhard, R.N. Wolf
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 423, 46-53 (2017)
- Further developments of multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometry and first application for cluster research
Dissertation (2020) - Erzeugung und Untersuchung von Clusterionen
Master Thesis (2016) - Messungen und Datenanalyse für Präzisionsmassenbestimmungen mit einem Multireflexionsflugzeitmassenspektrometer
Bachelor Thesis (2014)