Once again we have a poster winner! Congratulations to Christina Schaal, who was awarded for her poster among 80 other young scientists on the 21st International Conference on Oxidative Stress Reduction, Redox Homeostasis and Antioxidants- Paris Redox 2019 ! The titel of her poster was "Aquaporin-8 is Crucial for the permeability of hydrogen peroxide in insulin-producing cells"
The conference was held at University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris on June 20 - 21, 2019.
During Paris Redox World Congress 2019, the role of antioxidants as modulators of redox signaling pathways rather than players that counteract oxidative stress was discussed. Furthermore, the mechanisms by which cells respond to oxidative stress and prevent cell damage and cell death were analysed. Also oxidative stress evaluation was highlighted and the recent advances on biomarkers, related to redox alteration were discussed.
Paris 2019 aimed to make an important contribution towards a better understanding of redox control in physiological and pathological states that will lead to new therapeutic and disease-preventive agents.