Congratulations to Clara Ortegón Salas, whose talk was awarded with "Best short talk" on the conference "Redox Signalling in Physiology, Ageing and Disease", a joint Biochemical Society and BSRA Scientific Conference.
The conference took place in Newcastle, UK, from 1st to 3rd of July 2019.
The goal of this meeting was to bring biochemists, cell and systems biologists investigating redox-signalling mechanisms in a variety of systems, together with those working on the biological mechanisms underlying ageing and age-associated diseases. As such this meeting provided an interdisciplinary forum for discussion of new approaches to the study of redox regulation, the mechanisms involved, and the role of redox dysregulation in health, ageing and disease.
Based on her given talk, the organizers invited her to write a mini-review, that led to a publication, which was published on march 2020, in Portland Press, under the name "Signal-regulated oxidation of proteins via MICAL" and can be found here: